I have found alot of these problems in the people uploaded onto this site. They are persecuted victims that are actually simply targeted for these crimes. Their syptoms kinda of remind me of autism. I grew up in autism. My sister and I were born on the same day yet 4 years and an hour apart. She was born premature and had developmental problems that resulted in being diagnosed as autistic. She always had problems with her ears, I being sensitive to her needs as if I was her corsican or siamese twin ...actually, I was her runner. Anything she needed I knew what to do. I was so sensitive to her attacks , I would wake up to her attacker ( SEIZURE'S) a few seconds before and during her seizures. Seizures are like an electrocution. It even has sparks that fly around when the victim goes into this shock attack. Being that sensitive you can actually see the electricity coming out of their body. For me to describe it to you this way sounds strange but I was use to seeing these attacks this way and being from the age of 2 years old until my adult years of witnessing these attackes they always looked the same.