First of all I am sorry that I did not answer emails nor posted here for awhile
As I stated, I am a TI whose been using my advanced knowledge (gained by many years of experience) of almost all of the perps tricks to out fox the perps and lead a pretty good life. As a TI, I joined the military, got married while in the military, had three lovely daughters, and even retired from the military with a decent amount of life time pension. After I retired, I got a job as a contractor and I was working with the same company for almost 2 years now. But guess what? My wife got a DUI; she hit three cars unattended cars in the parking lot, was arrested and taken into custody; In her drunken stupor refused alcohol test at the police station. She got total of 16 citations; majority of them a total BS. I finally was able to get her out of the police station about 2 am Monday morning. I slept for less than 4 hrs and went to work. At work, I was trying my best to suppress the perps attempt at trying to make me depressed and irritated....As all of you know well, unless you know how to out fox the perps, they will continually try to manipulate you, and if they can't trick you; they will manipulate those around you, such as co-workers and your bosses to persecute you. For my whole military career and for the past two years I was successful at out foxing the perps and also very careful to not give any fodder in a way I talk, behave, and conduct business around my co workers. Yes it is true that the perps can manipulate others around you but if you don't provide any reasons for them to behave negatively towards you; even if they feel dislike, and anger towards you, if you don't do anything to justify those feeling even a very little bit; most people will just dismiss it as just a weird vibe and tell themselves that its just a weird thought or feeling and disregard it. But on that particular morning; my feelings and emotions was negatively influenced strongly by the perps because of how they manipulated my wife into doing something so incredibly stupid. So I let my guard down and basically let the perps take over my tongue and said something to my boss that the perps latched on and inputted a lot of negative emotions, feelings and thoughts into my boss. So the boss spoke to me with a serpents poisonous tongue and I inturn lost self control and allowed the perps to put words into my mouth...I basically told my boss that I am almost 50 years old and I do not appreciate being talked down to; as if I was a young punk off the streets. I told my boss that I used to make my soldiers who disrespected me do push ups and other punishments to correct their disrespectful manner of speaking. I told her that her mannerism and the way she was speaking to me was very unprofessional. The perps had a hay day.....inputted lot of hurtful things to say to her and I have to admit; I forfeited my control of the perps for the first time in many years and basically told her to take the job and shove it up your ass and walked out. the HR called me the next day; I told them I will not tolerate being disrespected from anymore (I tolerated some disrespect in the past because I knew it was the perps doing it to piss me off and loose my job) I told them I resign, Packed my stuff and left......yeah I lost this battle....yeah it will be a little difficult financially because now I only have my retirement pay to support the family. Yeah it was stupid to quit at a time when the perps got my wife to get a DUI....I will probably have to use what little money I saved to pay the lawyer for my wife's DUI.....but you know what. Its just a couple of battles. the importing thing is to win more battles than loose because whoever wins more battle out of many battles will ultimately win the war.......The perps know that it is very difficult to trick and harass me directly because I became a old fox due to being exposed to their tricks for a very long time. It is true; fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice shame on me....this is how I never get fooled by the same trick by the perps.....Because they know that I am almost immune to their tricks. the perps are using people around me like my wife, co-workers etc to harass me indirectly. These type of harassment is very hard to overcome but it is not impossible. Although I lost the battle this time; I was able to survive the military where you are constantly around people, as well as keep my job for two years. ....yeah its hard but its possible....just don't give any reason to make those around you do or say negative things to you. no matter how hard the perps try; most will brush off such feelings, and thoughts when there is nothing that can be twisted to seem reasonable. But very rarely, there are some individuals who are basically taken completely over by the perps...most of them are very week TIs who has lost the war of the mind (spirit etc) must have or cultivate compassion, forgiveness, wisdom, will, craftiness, love of justice, etc as your basic character in order to keep your sanity and live your life.
One more thing I want to share with you is the following You tube video. This is a religious perspective of basically what I am talking about. She just uses religious (Christian terminology to describe the same thing that is happening to us....I have been posting some blogs why I think that the main world wide perps are not our current human governmental organizations. I posted about James Tilly Matthews; who I'd like to refer to as the father of the truth...the first person to correctly identify what the ancients thought of as the devil and/or demons. He is the guy who figured out more than 200 years ago that their is a artificial electric device that controls the thoughts of humans.....The perps has been around for thousands and thousands of years. Its just that the TIs who lived during the periods when electronic technology was unknown could only identify it as a natural demonic things. How else will ancient man living in a time of no technology describe evil mind waves flying through the air beside by drawing pictures of demons with wings? By the way. the devil is supposed to be in hell witch is deep in the earth below but why was devil and demons depicted with wings.....because thought broadcast are sent through the air!......I have conducted extensive research of the worlds, myths, legends, traditions, out of place artifacts, etc and concluded that the it is highly illogical that our generation since the last 200 years or so was the only civilization that have reached the level of technology we currently possess.....there are many physical, and testimonial evidence that mankind reached technology many times over.....Solomon even said that there are nothing new under the sun. I believe this is literal....even the word "research" indicates to search again...If we were experiencing the same things we are five hundred years ago....we would have concluded it to be the devil just like the religious did and still do.....everything the girl in the video says is true, just replace the devil and spirit into perps and radio waves....but I do not like her solution to the problem...she says the best thing to avoid attacks via other people is isolation. I think that is what the perps or in her case the devil wants us to do. the best thing is to out fox the perps, as well as their temporary minions...also when another does you wrong...forgive them because they do not know what they are doing. They don't know that they are being the puppets of the perps so hate the perps and have compassion for the foolish unknowing person and forgive them. this will make it easier for you to deal with the problem...please see the video below and make some comments....As for me, I will not be able to post too frequently because I will be busy recovering from my loss and doing damage control.....