aurea divine proportion

We can and must make a joint effort for human behavior understood ways. Only if we know who we are and where we come from as a species we're free. But we are afraid to be horrible ignorant monkeys.
We want to be loved as "ignorant precious." To be free is to be know that mind control is something sacred. And we are what we are thanks to him, all remained fixed on the golden ratio, where a sacred number is fixed to contain half spirit and half animal matter.
We have accelerated particles with nanotechnology, radiation and operating telecommunications.
We are now slaves of an aura monitored to study epigenetic, behavioral and psychiatry,
As obgetivo; create avatar 2045 draft.
A virtual artificial intelligence program to create artificial ideas reality.
Mind control will expire if we do a common effort to learn.


gala y el numero aureo

The Dali painting, Leda Atomica, painted in 1949, synthesizes centuries, especially Pythagorean mathematics and symbolic tradition. This is a watermark based on the golden ratio, but made ​​in a way that is not obvious to the viewer. In 1947 the sketch thoroughness geometric analysis by Dalí based on the mystical Pythagorean pentagram warns.



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