Att: Professor Nils Melzer (OHCHR- United Nations)
Special Rapporteur to the United Nations on Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment
Australia- Human Rights violations and abuses under International Law (A/73/207).
I’d like to bring before the United Nations two cases of abuses by remote mind control using Electromagnetic technologies (‘Emf) or Directed Energy Weapons (DEWs) with both originating in Melbourne, Australia. The common denominator, I believe the same party to be responsible for both, with the abuses being long term and psychologicallydamaging flowing on to impact and upon a person’s physical health, and they have gotten away with this for so long. Also, they’ve been using these technologies in Australia to “Spy” upon people, “self-proclaimed law enforcement,” as a result people have died without a fair trial, suicides.
The first case is of Ms Soleilmavis Liu when she came to study at RMIT in 2001 where she was singled out, probably because she was different, Chinese. The second began in the mid 1980’s where staff at Melbourne market research company Sutherland Smith P/L became “guinea pigs” as part of a “Human Experiment.” I was one and I’ll cite narrations astold by co-workers who were subject to these same abuses. They are related with the second easier to prove throughcollaborative witness statements from all staff and interview of these directors Dr Max Allan Sutherland (Burwood East, VIC, Aust) and Mr Bruce Edmond Smith (North Caulfield, VIC, Aust) as to how and from whom they obtained thisendorsement and via this advocacy the directors had set themselves up as a “policing force” imposing upon society.
There’s a vigilante group in Australia that some do know about and nervously refer to as “God, or more commonly “Spies,” and they’ve been renowned for interfering in other people’s businesses justifying their intrusions as “Important Research.” They have access to one of the most portentous remote mind control technologies, “Lilly wave/ pulse,” that can do more than read minds, it can also implant any brainwave pattern or thought straight into skull (v2k) Also,with aides to world leaders being aware of the existence of these technologies, one of Boris Yeltsin’s trips to Japan cancelled due to fears that they’d hijack his mind, 1992, you’d imagine that intelligence services such as CIA, MI6, ASIO in Aust. would also have a vested interest in procuring theseweaponries, also …… who else? All parties that’ve been “found out,” through whistle-blowers or insiders, use thesetechnologies very surreptitiously!
*Case 1:Ms Soleilmavis Liu, her abuse by remote mind control ‘Emf started when she came to Melbourne, Australia, as a full-fee paying International student to study a Master Degree at RMIT. She has written to US presidents, the United Nations, and the like appealing for an investigation into her case and has published books outlining her experience of abuse, one, “Twelve Years in the Grave - Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp,” - Kindle and Amazon, 04 Nov 2014.
*Case 2:Sutherland Smith (“SuS- Melbourne based market research company)
Directors:Dr Max Allan Sutherland (Burwood East, VIC, Australia)
Mr Bruce Edmond Smith Caulfield North, VIC, Australia)
Staff:Angus, Effie, Omnia, Megan, Peggy, Meghan, Stephen, Elick, yours truly.
FINALLY: An overview of the ‘Emf believed to bewidely used, “Lilly wave/ pulses,” its first known use by US military during Gulf War but it’s also been used by other parties such as US Govt, DARPA, Antifa as mind control armoury. This particular waveform is now used as safe electro-stimulation in neurosurgery as microscopic studies to date show this biphasic pulse doesn’t damage neuronal networks as did previously used waveforms.
But- “Lilly wave/ pulse” can also be used as remote mind control arsenal by getting underneath operations of neurons via electromagnetic waveforms of radio/ microwave frequencies, an ‘Emf that can be used remotely, readily transmittable by satellite. There’s no longer a need for electrodes as radio can penetrate the skull and impact on the dipolar water molecules surrounding brain cells causing them to resonate with surrounding molecules also resonating at certain frequencies. Lilly wave/ pulse is biphasic (+’ve …Zero ... –‘ve) the Zero required to give neurons time to respond to the first impact before then being suggested again,as realised by Dr J C Lilly. This has the effect of pushing theions or charged atoms that carry ionic electric charge within neurons in one way, then after a brief rest, push in the opposite way, then leaving the ions in their former places, thereby stimulating the brain’s neurons. By this inducement itcan not only read a person’s thoughts, which can also be achieved thru fMRI, but it can remotely implant any brainwave pattern or thought into skull (v2k) via radio, thiscan induce dreams, force speech, pipe voices into brain, more.This is the technology being used in Australia and I’ve been threatened if I published, and more.
Additionally, brainwave patterns the electromagnetic fields resultants of ionic electric current transfers within neurons are singular to every individual so now a person can be picked out in a crowd or tracked in a desert, anywhere a radio wave can go, rather similar to how WiFi reaches the designated laptop/ iPhone via unique IP address.
Even with best intentions the use of remote mind control is psychological abuse at its worst, apart from concerns on invasions of privacy and violations of law on Human Rights. Additionally, victims who are consciously aware, as some remain oblivious, are too afraid to speak about theirmaltreatment fearful of ridicule, so the damage caused remains “bottled-up” and psychological wounds fester.
These abuses are only just coming to light with classactions is progress against European Govts, hard to prove, yet the best way forward is for there to be open discussion and public awareness so that politicians who make legislationstake this seriously and impose sanctions/ regulations on usage of…
United Nations Report-: Accountability for Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment/ Punishment