Authenticity, consistency and logicality of the following proofs from Toronto Police, The Scarborough Hospital, Toronto Police Headquarters, Canadian torturers and me, putting them together, can testify that Toronto Police, Canadian torturers have committed hair- raising systematic torture and crimes against humanity.
1) My first report. They hid and refused to disclose and forward when being asked.(Why? I have explained.)
2) Toronto Police’s memo. They hid most part of this piece. And, my neighbor was changed to one handicapped lady who couldn’t speak after I reported to them about this suspect.
3) The Scarborough Hospital, a public hospital of Ontario intervened without my informed consent after Toronto Police induced. During mental status examination by its nurse in my home, something strange happened. They sated: My suspect neighbor was female. When I confirmed with them. They were surprised and refused to answer my question. They refused to say whether my suspect neighbor was male or female. That means The Scarborough Hospital and its nurse must see my changed neighbor before visiting my home. Or, Toronto Police delivered disinformation about my neighbor to them.
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4) Toronto Police Headquarters’ letter which refused my request for:
a) Any information about my suspect neighbor, even, male or female.
b) …
Toronto Police, Canadian torturers have committed hair-raising systematic torture over 9 years, even till today. Their acts of torture are rare and atrocious. And, the consequences are serious. What can we do about these torturers? And what can we do about me and other victims? Here are some facts:
1) From “ presentation of Canada’s Sixth Report to the Committee against Torture”, dated May 21, 2012, “ Canada is not aware of any current disciplinary investigations into allegations of torture, or cruel, inhumane, degrading treatment committed by Canadian law enforcement agent.”
2) The State refuses to investigate into any allegations of torture, or cruel, inhumane, degrading treatment committed by Canadian law enforcement agent. So, of course, they are not aware of “ any…”
3) All Canadian media reported: They have one torture list in their office. Actually, worse than that torture list.
4 ) UN Committee against Torture has also expressed concern about the role played by Canadian officials in torture perpetrated by other protagonists and Canada’s failure to implement measures to prevent torture in some situations.
5) Up till now, the State refused to provide to this committee, “ Data Collection on complaints, investigations, prosecutions and convictions of cases of torture and ill treatment by law enforcement.”
6) Up till now, the State refused to provide to this committee, “Statistical data on any complaints, investigations, prosecutions, convictions and penalties imposed for alleged excessive use of force by law enforcement personnel.”
7) Up till now, Toronto Police, Canadian torturers continue torturing me physically, mentally, and economically, such as, heavily hitting my roof and ceiling over my head and body. Their purpose is simple and obvious, make you lose the ability to fight back, then, destroy you. This is not “ deduction ” according to imagination. It is the fact.
Canadian torture victim
Robin Yan