Awake all night...

I've been awake all night, every time I started to drift off I got an image of the one perp and abruptly woke up. I'm so pissed off and tired........I've half contemplated writing the news annoymously to see if they would do a story on this type of crap, I know the cops wont do a damn thing if i call them and ask to get a lie detector test on them....

Dear CTV and CBC

I have a news story for you in general (meaning I don't actually want to be on the news but hoping you'll consider looking into my letter in further detail). its called gang stalking, bullying on another level, remote manipulation, mind control, directed energy weapons, induced dreams, voice to skull, what ever have you, Its a horrendous offence and a horror story for anyone targeted. I'm a victim in Kitchener Ontario and I'm wondering why situations like my own are labled as mental illness because this is REAL. There is something were missing here people need to be educated real life punishments need to be in place. Something has to be done this is murder! and the perpetrators get away with it because why?  because the government is covering something? were hush hush about this issue because of public disturbance? were afriad we might get ourselves killed? I have no idea but there has to be a reason! people are getting away with ruining other peoples lives! why? do I even want to risk my life finding out?! the public should know, our communities should be open enough to bring those who stand against us to the light that stand in the dark.You see it in mens magazines all the time how to drive your girlfriend off turn her mad get rid of her in 5 days flat its the same thing people are driving us crazy and making us believe were crazy. You hear it in music its everywhere its an estimated 1 in 70 people deal with gang stalking and electronic harassment we need to keep bringing this to the light! people are dieing! We are a community being terrorized by 3 specific people and there associates we are asking people to come forward with any strange occurences in the area. we are looking for other community members who may be having the same issue with these certain individuals. (I will not say names for it may not be legal) So that we can come forward and help put an end to this sort of terrorism in our communities. My page on Facebook is Help Stop Gang Stalking In Kitchener Ontario.

I prefer to remain Annonymous. 

then Ill send them a bunch of articles, tell them my story, find out if anyone else wants to annoymously submit a story and tell them not to ask the advice of a psychiatrist (according to john doe and what he thinks) because....just making a memo and I'll keep adding to it.....gunna try and hit the hay once again...

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