Basic Survival - MINIMALISM

     It is difficult for those of us who must leave our homes unoccupied while we go to work, or shopping for groceries. The "lurkers" watch and wait so they can enter our homes while we are gone and conduct their mischief.
     We can insulate ourselves against PERP tactics somewhat if we come to terms with what is being done, and reduce ourselves to a survival (minimalist) lifestyle.  Everything in your home is subject to tampering and vandalism when you are not there, so save yourself the aggravation, stress, and pain of coming home to find your pet has been tortured, your grandmother's china is broken or missing, your computer does not work anymore/or has some malware installed on it. 
     If something matters to you, your perps will attack it to get at you and cause you unhappiness.  It is better to find a new home for anything you consider valuable.  When you find a new home for that item, you are saving yourself a lot of grief and pain - even though you will miss them, they are only things and can be eventually replaced.  Find a new safe home NOW for your pets.  Every time you walk out the door, their safety and well being are at risk.

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