Forgot to mention this important bit of info. In areas with PCs where I am being attacked, they're connected to the big brother server.

I'll cite three examples.

1. In the office where the firewall I installed on my PC was able to identify some colleague's PCs accessing mine, I saw the IT turn off his screen when I approached. Not before I saw what's on the screen though: big brother server.

2. In our place where the LAN was compromised and I was able to see 2 users' PCs consistently accessing different PCs in the network, I heard the perp say when somebody asked her : yes, as long as I can see the BBS message on the screen when it loads, there's no problem, we can still communicate with them. We can still control the PCs.

3. Here in the net cafe where I'm at, the attendant was talking to the baby and showed her the screen and said, now you can enter big brother's house thru this PC. Big Brother can talk to us and we can talk to him.

They installed a CCTV just recently and since they are excited about their gadget, they look at the screen every once too often, unintentionally calling attention to it.

They also kept reporting, interacting with "big brother", getting instructions from him (like closing the ventilation when I'm here. when I arrive the windows are always open. then when i take my seat, they close it. then they say they're just doing it to heat up the room. i live in a tropical country.

They're talking amongst themselves, about winning the bet.

These people were nice at the onset. They seem to be nice people. One pattern I see is: the manipulators fail when they are using nice people because nice people are not really that savvy or used to being mean. They are not used to making snide remarks nor in making staged actions so when they do it, it's so obvious , right out of the script.

I hope God works in these people since they are Christians and I hope God will help them discern how they are being brainwashed and manipulated to enact the devil's ploy.

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