People I know are moving hell and high waters to prevent me from communicating with one particular person.

... and I don't even know why.

What's with that person?

What's so important about Anonymous, they would deliberately assign people and allocate resources to prevent me from talking to that person?

Another curious thing...

... in the very same breath, a number of people have been sending off a number of tips,clues,directions so I would be helped in communicating with Anonymous.

What's up?

Why are they too keen on Anonymous?

Has anyone experienced such an obvious display of situation-manipulation reflex by people around you?

Who do they wanna block you from communicating with a particular person?


Who are they pushing you to communicate with?


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  • To the person I was referring to in this post:

    What's with you?

    I mean, what makes them so interested in blocking off our comm lines?


    Or making it such a big issue when we talk?


    I mean, I have my own take on you and I prefer to keep it to myself. It's none of their business.


    I am curious about their reactions though. Why are they so keen on our communication or the lack of it?


    And that, that is my or your  business. It's our comm lines they're so loco over.


    Uh, why? 

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