beware of this new age/ufology fake targeted individual nonsense that's being spread on the internet ...
clearly mind control & electronic harassment is done via man made technology ...we have documents etc
this "reptilian " belief is misinformation/disinformation and targeted at people that have not read the documents about the development of man made technology and the mind control experiments
do these people actual understand we have a long documented history and many techniques that can tell if somebody is actual a victim of electronic harassment and mind control ...this is not like new age spirituality/ufology were your personal speculation/beliefs are as good as anybody else as there no way to verify it ...but there are many ways we can verify mind control and electronic harassment information...also this is not a nice area ....some fluffy situation ...people are having there lives ruined ...locked up and drugged on mental wards and also murdered or driven to murder ....
any real TI would look at her and within less then 2 mins realize shes fake what and how shes talks ....but all the naive/gullible new age/spiritual/ufo believers will lap this tripe up as she uses all the buzz words and gives out all the same new age solutions can use magical thinking to wish bad things away and use crystals etc ....why can`t these people just stick to there own beliefs and not shit up real information and human rights abuses ...these people are going to make fools of themselves and destroy what little credibility they have left by trying to hijack and sabotage what others are exposing with facts and evidence