Big Business

It is a big business and works like this.
You don't like a guy and you target him.
Then you send some criminals to harass or attack that person. Harassing is
better With satellite surveillance combined with the internet. You can have that
person harassed everywhere in the world. Everywhere.

It all depends on your money.

If you are very rich, you can control more harassers.
Have you every thought of that before ? thoroughly. It all depends also on
the intentions of the attacker. It can be revenge what drives his actions, but it
can also be just the pleasure of attacking minorities, or people that he/she does
not like for specific reasons. So it is a dangerous world out there. And there are
many inocent minds whirling around without knowing what is going on.

I was one of them. Which is almost unforgiveable, given the fact that I have worked
for infomation technologies for more than 25 years. My only 2 justifications - I was
trying to get into a postgraduate course at California State University of Long Beach
and I felt in love. When those two things get together your mind is in wonderland. That
is not good. There is no real perception of the reality. And there are always guys, under
different covers, creating realities in the dark. The size of the lies they invent, depend
on the pockets size. The pocket size of the owners of the media and satellites.

During my visits to Long Beach University, to seek the possibility of a postgraduate course
to which I could attend with a grant from Americorps, I came across different stumbling blocks.
It was not easy to put the budget that had been separated for my case into the specific kind of
postgraduate course that I was looking for. So I had to pay several visits to the university. Most
of the times I was treated fairly. It was a good environment.

In the meantime I was working as a night auditor at a Hotel in Long Beach. At some point I started
working part time at a store specialized in Art that was in the same block as the hotel was. So
I had planned to stay the area for some time. If the project of the post-graduate course turned
out to be successful, then I would be able to have both the place where to study and the
places where I was working near to each other.

It was then that I met Val. The person who was going to be my wife later. I think that I loved
Val because she was simple. In the evenings, when I was working at the hotel, I tried to attract
the attention of some clients with websites that I had created. This was one of the reasons why
I was employed at the Art Store; the owner was kind of attracted by some of the websites and thought
that I could be useful to her projects in the store. So one of the subjects of the conversations
that we had was web design and a company that she had and she wanted to expand,according to her
words, in CA. I asked her where and she responded in Santa Mónica. And that was the beginning of
our friendship.

Sometimes I heard people making strange comments about me. I attributed what I heard to drugs or
something similar. I had observed that some guys in the train seemed to know me - that was strange to
me. In some ocassions, at least two times, some of them made sort of threats in their dialects
of gangstalking about me with the intention of attracting the attention of people in the train towards
me. That is one of the reasons why I tried to take the train in the hours that it was not so
populated. I am not familiar with that kind of culture. Now I think that I should have made an effort
to understand what there was behind their attitudes. One thing strange, that I reported to Peter Miller,
who had been my supervisor at Americorps Vista, was that whatever effort I had made to structure
a client/server environment while living at Boulder in East LA, had been torpedoed by Kent, the owner of
the house. Wether it had been a matter of his character or a plan that other people had to slow me down
I will never now. It looked strange to me so I reported it. Over that structure I had mounted Qt and had
made it work. It was the first step to create applications in the flavor of C++. I think that I had spotted
what was going to happen with phone applications at the right moment. For some reason it was very difficult
to get a job in that area, that is why I had to go to Long Beach.

I am absolutely sure that with what I practiced in 2009 - 2010 at Bay Motors in Qt I can implement wordclass
applications in Qt that address database issues. It is not that difficult given my background.
I can currently create Joomla, Wordpress and Prestashop applications over Darwin, Linux and Windows 7. It has
already been done in different scenarios. So what is the point of constantly repeating that I am not capable
of things - valuable things - in the computers. My biggest fear is that I am put in an environment where all
I have created and I am capable of creating as human been were jeopardized with medicines or mistreatments. I
have been promissed death several times. I think that I am discriminated because of my ethnic origin and color.
Also because at some point I worked close to LGTB people. There are great contradictions in this
country and I am afraid of dying in the big struggle that is taking place at the time I write.

It seems to be that, when one's mind is immerse trying to get into the technical worlds described
above, other people are in another kind of business. The business of inserting cameras in your shower, monitoring
you through walls to know when you leave your room and steal or add information in your belongings. And who knows
what else. I had numerous reports about strange incidents before arriving to CA in 2005. Also, in the personal
perspective, I felt that my mood changed abruptly when I moved from one apartment to another. In ocassions I detected,
in the course of my thoughts, like intrussions. I was not able to discern or identify what was going on in
certain layers of reality because I was focused in the technical matters that I described above. A study of the literature
that I borrowed or bought at the libraries and book stores can corroborate this. No wonder, little by little,
strange events were registered in my mind. Big busines put you in a specific context for them to make money,
feelings are aside. At some point I realized that people were talking of me as if they had seen me in a film. It looked
ridiculous to me, but it happened. First time that my mind registered this was when I was working at a company in 2000. Then
in 2001 the same. There was no reference to a film but evidently something graphical was exciting the minds of some coworkers.
In 2003, while working at a hotel, I heard the first reference, like in the context of a joke, and by people who were really
friendly to me , to a film. What is this, I thought - and I still think. Later on, putting together the reports that I had
made about penetrations in my room I started to suspect that something dark, very dark was going on. I think that at that long before I had suspected it I had been targeted by Big Business.
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