The biggest psychological condition we TIs are most likely to suffer is delusions. Just because it is a fact that all of us are aware that we are attacked by the perps via Electromagnetic Mind Control/Harassment Machine (EMCHM); and we know this for a fact does not preclude all TIs including myself from being deceived into believing something that is not true. I suggest that we try our best not to believe in anything except about the fact the EMCHM is being used against us. What I mean is that is OK to have a strong suspicion but it is not OK to be absolutely certain about anything. Especially when we know that the perps can influence our feelings, emotions, cause visual and auditory hallucinations, as well as influence others around us to a certain level. Perhaps that feeling of being certain itself is caused by the EMCHM. Don't you think it odd that the perps who can manipulate our thoughts, feelings, and emotions will not try to manipulate you into not having that certainty you have about some body if it really is true?...Do not trust your gutt feeling cause it can be manipulated. Do not trust all of your thoughts; it could be subliminally inputted.....I do have a certain suspicions about who the perps could be. But it is a strong suspicion that I arrived on via many years of research, critical thinking techniques, years of data analysis, etc but I still refuse to be certain about it. Because the moment you become certain; your mind become closed and you will not be able to accept or consider anything else. So the best thing to do is just have a strong suspicion. That strong suspicion should have been derived at by critical thinking and logical analysis; not just circumstantial or gut feelings. Only time we should believe something with absolute certainty is when we actually witness firsthand someone operating a EMCHM in front of our eyes and we can touch, examine, and test that equipment. Only then, can we be certain of anything. Those of you who believe that the voice you hear sounds like certain individuals especially somebody's voice you did not actually hear being spoken directly from the mouth of the speaker; This is the first sign of the fact that you are tricked. Believing in a BS made up by the perps all have a evil agenda....the perps want you to go and act out violence; or the perps want you to make a complaint to the police, your friends, your family, etc....why do you think they want to do that? So that all your associates, family, friends, will condemn you as being mentally ill. If you go to the police with your story and accusing certain individual of using EMCHM to harass you or report that people are stalking you what do you think will happen? you think they will investigate the people you report? No I guarantee that only thing they will investigate is your own mental health history. At the least, you will loose all credibility; at the worst, you will be committed to a mental hospital against your will. This is exactly what the perps want. Don't be a victim and a statistic. These A holes are extremely conniving and are masters of deception. You must be a fox yourself and don't fall into their trap.....the first defense against becoming their victim is not believing anything with certainty until you can touch it, see it, test it. This is how I was able to live a normal life for the last 25 years of being a TI...see through their deception and don't be tricked into a delusion. As I already told you....all of the posts I put on this sight is what I suspect based on years of research using critical thinking techniques, logic, data analysis. But I am not absolutely certain even after 25 years. For those of you who are absolutely certain about something. I strongly suspect that very feeling of certainty is inputted by the perps.
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