Dear Bioethics Commission:
I report that a rogue CIA crime ring is illegally using human subjects in illegal and immoral CIA experiments on torture. In fact, I wish to remind you that the CIA recently was exposed to Congress for lying about torture.
Our group of 5000 are being used in illegal research without our consent and without fair pay. We are represented by many groups. The primary groups who represent us include Mind Justice, Keep the Ethical Light Burning, and International Coalition Against Torture, and Freedom from Harassment and Surveillance.
I also report that the report the FBI is cointelpro harassing those brave citizens who expose the rogue CIA crime ring by labeling the persons of interest who report the crimes with false cointelpro labels of paranoid if they dare suspect their government of wrongdoing.
As evidence of cointelpro related harassment I remind you of the Church Committee finding in the 70s that certain government agencies would assign false mental health charges and/or crimes to certain activist to discredit their political activism. (Wikipedia, Church Commission).
More precisely, the case we report is on point with the government harassment experienced by the Duplessis orphans. In this situation, the Canadian government harassed 20,000 orphans by assigning them with false mental charges in order to detain them and exploit them as low-cost labor, human guinea pig for bio-medical research. Years later the Canadian government was forced to admit this and was forced to settle with the victims. We note that the hospital provided false mental health charges to keep the patients powerless so they could not be believed when accusing their captors, {Duplessis orphans, Wikipedia}.
As evidence of illegal studies, I remind that it is historically documented that on several occasions doctors and hospitals lied to patients when conducting illegal studies. We note that in the notorious Tuskegee study in the 1940's to the 1970's, doctors lied to patients and told them they were being treated for “bad blood” when they were being studies of syphilis. {Wikipedia}. In addition, in the Mkultra study in the 1940's to 1970's subjects were given LSD without their consent. {Wikipedia} The Mkultra study was quite large and used at least 80 universities and 44 hospitals. {Check facts} In many other large studies such as the Aches study and Guatemalan study, it took years for the “patients’ ‘victims” to prove that the doctors had lied. {Wikipedia}.
Our group, Freedom from Harassment and Surveillance reports a similar situation. Our group members know that they are being used in off the record illegal testing which is conducted by a rogue CIA. When we try to report this illegal behavior to doctors, we are falsely labeled paranoid and cointelpro harassed by the state. In addition, we are subjected to rude, abusive treatment by doctors. The doctors allege that we are paranoid because we suspect others and a rogue CIA of conducting illegal activities. We are told most people are good people. When we report that the prisons are overcrowded and that there are many bad people, we are ignored. When we report that there are many cases of biomedical experimentation in which CIA doctors and CIA employees lied to the public and individuals—we are told not to say that again or we will be involuntarily committed, Many doctor are refusing us our American right of skepticism about authority. We do note that illegal activities are happening as we speak. We point out that our government has done wrong before as evidence in Watergate, Mkultra studies, Tuskegee studies, Aches studies, etc. and only recently that the CIA proved guilty of lying to the President, Congress, and public about torture and torture studies.
In addition, when we logically point out that there is much interest in rogue biomedical CIA projects in our regional areas, we are told we are paranoid. We observe and note that there is much funding and military interest in our regional areas in such areas such as electronic signaling research, brain research, and psychological/torture research. {Welsh, Mind Justice}. It is known that the rogue CIA does not reveal the full truth when asked, and if must get is subjects somewhere. Thus, many of us cite many of us our twins and in large families that are convenient specimens for scientists looking for similar or identical DNA to others. We also note that many of us online report similar pains, vibrations, batteries, and strange occurrences during similar years, {see Surveys, Freedom from Harassment and Surveillance.
Please help expose this crime against humanity. We ask that you support and enforce the right of citizens to the truth and government transparency from their government and a rogue CIA. We also and ask that you demand the aggrieved subjects be compensated with restitution because of the years of prolonged exploitation via Torture Matrix experimentation and retaliation at the hands of the rogue CIA. Stop this practice of political intimidation of false cointelpro mental health charges by the government and biomedical corporations. Please launch a Senate Investigation to demand justice for all those used and exploited by the rogue CIA crime ring.
Thank you
Angel Law