Posted by davidfulton3 on August 10, 2011 at 4:48am
I was told by the medical staff at the Brockton,MA,VA Hospital (Google : Brockton.MA VA Mindcontrol) that,MERCER used to be only found in Hospitals & Institutions (The exact places where the CIA has historicaly chosen to do involuntary human experimentation).It is now becoming wide spread,& considered highly contagious.I suspect the epidemic is caused by contact,because these particulates go through your skin,in short order .They are planned to be used for supposed chemtrail vaccination purposes.They are actually to be used tor eugenics (Bill Gates is personely backing the R&D).I have gotten MERCER on a number of occassions.On numerous occassions,the perps had gotten close to me (3' or closer),& shot a bionano cluster dart,into me (This is because I was too successful in identifying / removing the ones going through my skin).The MERCER virus followed.The severity of the outbreak was in dirrect corelation with how successful I was,how quick,& how thorough I was,in the removal of the covertly implanted particulates............Bionano devices / Nanorobots are geneticly engineered ,using viruses,to invade the host / target............Hitachi,Nokia,Raytheon,National Instuments,IN-Q-TEL (A CIA front company),A female owned 'Nano Particulate' company from Nothern,Thailand (Specializes in fertilizer,nano tech ((Does R&D,for the DoD))),Proctor & Gamble / Gillett (Dick Cheney used to be their Chairman),etc,are all active co conspirators