TAKE ACTION ON Support Wilderness Protection Across the Country! TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Take Action on Arby's TAKE ACTION ON Next week, Congress is poised to vote on President Obama's budget, which includes the funds necessary to fix our broken health care system. TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Join the Ladies in White in Calling for Human Rights in Cuba TAKE ACTION ON Thank you for promising to veto the SSM bill! TAKE ACTION ON Help end prostate cancer TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress to vote Yes for President Obama's clean energy budget TAKE ACTION ON Tell Congress to Pass a Strong Climate Bill TAKE ACTION ON Stand Up for Obama's Budget TAKE ACTION ON RSVP - "Call to Conscience: Cliffside Climate Action" April 20 TAKE ACTION ON FDA Regulation of Tobacco Today- Healthy Hearts Tomorrow TAKE ACTION ON You have already participated in this advocacy campaign.You may visit your subscription management page to update your account, view past actions, or look for other opportunities to take action. TAKE ACTION ON Support House Resolution Recognizing Israel-Egypt Peace Treaty TAKE ACTION ON Tell Senate Majority Leader Malcolm Smith to Expand the Bottle Bill TAKE ACTION ON Stand up for the Dream Act TAKE ACTION ON Fund Diabetes Research and Prevention TAKE ACTION ON Time to Choose PeaceA Rabbinic Letter to President-Elect Barack Obama TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ONLondon G20 Summit: Put people first! TAKE ACTION ONTell Congress we can't afford to wait for healthcare reform! TAKE ACTION ON Support the president's budget, stop the Carbon Lobby TAKE ACTION ON Stand up for the Dream Act TAKE ACTION ON Thank Secretary of State Clinton for her important steps to lay the groundwork for peace and encourage her to press for enforcement of a freeze on settlement expansion.Other Advocacy Campaigns you can participate in:Urge President Obama to announce that the U.S. will run for a seat on the U.N. Human Rights CouncilDemand Review of Charges against Guatemalan LGBT ActivistDisappearance Mystery in Thailand: After Five Years, a Fresh Start or Business as Usual?Kenyan Human Rights Defenders Killed in Cold Blood TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Iraq: Teachers union faces threat of government takeover TAKE ACTION ON March is National Nutrition Month TAKE ACTION ON URGENT: Call in your response to Obama's plan for Afghanistan TAKE ACTION ON Save the Act, Save the Polar Bear TAKE ACTION ON Join the Hershey's Week of Action on April 6-12 TAKE ACTION ON Tell the EPA to Stop Mountaintop Removal TAKE ACTION ON Ask them to sign on to the Delahunt-Platts-Klein Dear Colleague TAKE ACTION ON Help Pass a Wildlife-friendly Budget TAKE ACTION ON Members of Congress will begin debating President Obama's budget this week, with a vote likely set for next week. TAKE ACTION ON Support the Employee Free Choice Act! TAKE ACTION ON Tell Your Senators to Support Dawn Johnsen's Nomination for Assistant Attorney General TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON Report Your Call Experience: TAKE ACTION ON Break Up The Banks TAKE ACTION ON Tell FDA you don’t want MPCs in your yogurt! TAKE ACTION ON Ask President Obama to Act Now for a Nuclear Weapons-Free World TAKE ACTION ON Sign the Petition Calling for Tim Geithner to Resign TAKE ACTION ON Tell Attorney General Holder to launch a criminal investigation of Bush administration crimes TAKE ACTION ON Working families need your support TAKE ACTION ON Working families need your support[capwiz:queue_id] TAKE ACTION ON TAKE ACTION ON