Counterintelligence Crime | American Activist Filmmaker Reports Extreme Military/Intel Agency Neural Abuse with Covert Ops Brain-Computer-Interface Weapons
Posted on March 8, 2018 | 6 Comments
–Ramola D/Posted 3/8/2018
First in a new article series exploring The Classified Research Cover, this interview addresses the critical question "Is ‘Classified Research’ Covering up Deadly Crimes?"
Necessitated by reports of exacerbated abuse from many quarters this March, this series aims to explore, record, and document the 2018 civilian and veteran whistleblower reports and testimony of extreme abuse of bodies and brains suffered in non-consensual human experimentation assaults (by multiple and various Mil/Intel/corporate perpetrators) with military directed energy weapons, neuro bio weapons, chemical weapons, sonic weapons, scalar weapons, all being run putatively under guise of Surveillance, National Security, and "Classified Research."
Artifacts of the ongoing Asymmetric Warfare being waged by the US Govt. on US citizens in its "War on Terror," these are War Crimes and Crimes Against Humanity; they highlight the need for the DOD, CIA, DOJ, and other branches of the US Govt. engaging in secretive classified research to be publicly investigated, challenged, exposed, and stopped.
Omnisense, author, filmmaker, artist, musician, photographer, prolific web site creator, human rights advocate and Intelligence Community whistleblower whose revelation of an "Electronic Telepathy Cybernetic Secret Society" was featured here earlier, and whose extensive listing of Shadow Government Agendas and Methods is linked here, reports acute levels of targeting and neural abuse currently.
Ramola D: Omni, you have previously reported being a victim of DOD/Intelligence Agency crimes via the use of electromagnetic neuroweapons inducing verbally abusive V2K, forced speech, synthetic images, as well as many bodily tortures such as involuntary movement of body parts, stabbing pains, and sleep deprivation, among others. Readers can consult this earlier interview for details.
You are currently reporting exacerbated neuro-torture and neuro-framing of yourself. Can you describe briefly what you mean?
Omnisense: I am experiencing highly criminal neuro-abuse involving a wide range of counterintelligence-oriented assaults. For over 10 years I have been hit with overt neuro-abuse with the last year+straight being abused all day every day by neuroweaponry. This abuse is wake to sleep, every 1-7 seconds throughout the day. If I ever do anything that causes enjoyment, like eating good food or smoking a cigarette, the electronic harassment AI kicks into overdrive and obsessively sanitizes any enjoyment it can. The neuro-abuses can involve premises such as forced speech, synthetically induced anhedonia, synthetic smells & tastes, sensory replacement/sensory substitution, electromagnetic mind control, body control, surveillance abuse, Intelligence fraud, false profiling, torture and abuse packaged as counterterrorism, the list goes on and on…
Image, courtesy Omni
At some point I noticed they were not talking to me in V2K conversations, they were talking into the surveillance of my mind trying to implicate me in whatever they would force into my mind. What I have found out is that they are forcing speech both of myself and others into my internal mind serially and obsessively, attempting to drum up a fraudulent Intelligence profile on myself.
Some of the framing themes they have hit me with:
* They want to inaccurately label me as mentally ill and violent. My work advocates that violence is self-defeating and that a targeted individual (TI) should never lash out violently because it would be used as psychological warfare against other TIs. A means to apply more social fascism to what targeted individuals go through. I am a non-violent person. One of the prime cover stories to cover up electronic targeting is claiming mental illness, it is used as a federal and social blanket label to marginalize damning testimony.
* Due to the social conditions being so supple, they appear to desire to frame my life’s work as being a Russian operative. As you can see here,, I have amassed a sizeable collection of websites, which almost all expose the highly criminal black ops crime syndicate. They desire to fraudulently frame my dedication as some Russian operation, perhaps to rationalize censorship.
* For a while I have been calling out pedophiles inside the cybernetic network. They are now framing me for pedophilia. It is a living nightmare with this level of neuro-abuse…
* They have also been framing me for years to be seen as an electronic control grid conspirator, essentially framing me for crimes they do on a daily basis on a mass scale.
* They are preparing high levels of counterintelligence for my upcoming work. It appears they have different frame jobs for different demographics.
The last month or so of my electronic targeting has been the most sick-minded and abusive of my 10+ years of being an overt targeted individual. For example, every time I think about or start work on my film I am being sexually abused by neuroweaponry. I have learned that you can be raped by technology while you are alone in your own home. And what makes this worse is the neural interloper rapists indicate I will be framed for what they are raping me with.
End Game neuroscience technology can make it feel like literally anything is being done to you sexually while you are alone. Basically they have been neuro-raping me with the worst sexual realities possible while framing me for them at the same time.
Neuro Rape and Neuro Sexual-Abuse
Ramola D: So essentially you are reporting that with the aid of neuroscience technology including brain implants, they are able to sexually molest and rape a person remotely? This is so outrageous and criminal on so many levels please do not hesitate to address this further.
Omni: Yes, they can make it feel like something physical is happening to you in an illusory but very real feeling fashion. They are doing some of the most crude, demeaning, and sick-minded attacks against myself in retaliation to me exposing their networks and criminality.
Framing as a Russian Operative
Ramola D: While this is laughable and an indicator of the ongoing general MO of this shadow and facade government both, it is also an attempt to wrongfully frame and dismiss your testimonial and witness. Can you list some of your websites and work that you think may be attacked in this way?
Omni: The cybernetic network heads–the true heads of intel agencies and militaries–have indicated they want to censor my multimedia company’s website, and the websites under my multimedia company. A couple examples: or, also,
They even have an opposite form of branding (slander) planned for my multimedia company. I have been shown that the shadow government cybernetic networks have obsessive and highly illegal counterintelligence against activist opposition.
Counterintelligence like the opposite branding of my businesses, the framing, the torture, the surveillance abuse. the intelligence fraud and false intelligence, the false profiling, the cointelpro.
BCI Cognitions: Thoughts and Images
Ramola D: From Skype: "i am in a neural concentration camp. they have been forcing BCI cognitions of incest, beastiality, pedophilia, and rape in my mind and experience with neuro-abuse. i am literally being raped with technology on a minute by minute and hour by hour basis. any work on my upcoming film is met with supreme persecution and oppression from intel sources and military sources trying to frame me as a unit. one discredited activist versus the entire black ops crime syndicate may not work out well for the activist. i am still fighting day by day and working to expose these psychopaths. they have shown me their perverted spirits…" (Omni)
So it appears the methodology of framing is to pump in pedophilic and incestuous images into your brain via military neurotech such as a BCI (Brain Computer Interface) system and then, via compartmented "Need to Know" obliviousness, in tandem with mindless monitoring by other agencies, have these images and thoughts picked up and recorded as emanating from you. Do you have an idea which agencies are involved in this dirty ops scenario? Are these guys speaking to you via V2K (Voice to Skull)—what are they saying?
Omni: It has been indicated that the CIA and FBI are two top entities framing myself.
Yes, they are communicating via V2K. They are saying all sorts of things throughout the day. For example, an FBI V2K source (or a source using an FBI association) is questioning me under obviously fraudulent questioning, it knows the answer to its question and if I do not cooperate, I may be demonized as guilty to the questioning.
A lot of the questioning involves highly criminal fraud forcing my speech as my own statements or obvious doctoring of my brain waves to falsely implicate guilt. It is basically using every dirty tactic in the book to try to label me as a criminal and neutralize my activism.
Ritual Abuse
Ramola D: You have mentioned Ritual Abuse coming from the Military and the Intelligence Community—can you expand on this?
Omni: I experience forms of ritual abuse every day as a neuro-abuse victim. It is increasingly clear that the international intelligence community and various military cybernetic networks are Satanic Ritual Abuse perpetrators and sponsors.
Image, courtesy Omni
Neuroscience-based Ritual Abuse is definitely one of the worst types of ritual abuse. It can involve sanitization of pleasure, ritual torture, degradation, denigration, orchestrated and designed humiliation, perverted sexual abuse of the target, anchoring horrific psychological realities, trauma-based mind control, and monstrous slander and discrediting if you try to speak out. For some reason the occultists who rule the world have a taste for brutally torturing and/or destroying an individual and Satanic Ritual Abuse is one way they do that.
Forced Speech
Ramola D: You have mentioned Forced Speech being used to establish self-incrimination. Can you explain what exactly this is, how exactly you are experiencing it, and help readers understand how pernicious and criminal it is as a forced remote technology to abusively frame innocents as criminals?
Omni: There are many types of forced speech. There is covert forced speech and overt forced speech. Judging by what I have witnessed, I suspect that slander is a main reason to do forced speech.
How it takes place is: with natural speech you have signals in the brain behind your speech, with forced speech those same signals are synthesized to induce the same neural variables as natural speech. So essentially an AI is controlling the brain to speak through a human proxy.
Ramola D: And this entails also remotely controlling those neural inputs related to the motion of vocal cords and sound production, physically manipulating muscles and vocal cords–are you able in any way to resist such external control of your speech?
Omni: No, there is no way to stop the forced speech by your own neural activity in my experiences.
False Intelligence Profiles
Omni: I believe the electronic targeting perpetrators use forced speech as a false profile mechanism (among other uses it has for them). For example, they force calculated and designed speech through a target while Surveillance picks up the forced speech and is fraudulently categorized for later Intelligence abuse and covering up what they are truly doing.
I have experienced calculated abuse designed to infuriate the target which they then falsely neurally profile you with for "violent tendencies" when anyone with a pulse would want to fight back. I have seen evidence that targeted individuals in the system have false profiles. A false Intelligence profile meant to justify the abuse at a federal level.
Ramola D: This would suggest that False Neural Profiling then is an established Intelligence trick in use today, but being kept deadly quiet; in other words, the DOJ is using Neural Profiling and Neural Intelligence Gathering while their use of these CIA-style "Sources and Methods of Gathering Intelligence"–a cornerstone of "Classified Research"–permits them to keep it all Top Secret and never reveal what they are doing. In other words, Classified Research to conceal Crime–which is prohibited by US Law. (Sec. 1.7. (Executive Order 13526))
"Neurobody Technology"
Ramola D: You have mentioned that this "neurobody technology" causes psychological pain inside you. Can you explain what this technology is, how it is working, and how it is able to induce emotional or psychological pain and suffering?
Omni: I coined the term "Neurobody" a couple years ago to describe technology I had not seen anyone explain.
The somatosensory cortex is the part of the brain scientists believe to be responsible for body sensations. What neurobody technology does is induce brain waves from other areas of the brain into the body sensation neuro-matrix. With neurobody you can induce literally anything into the body as a sensation at any intensity. You can put any emotion in the body, any mental variable in the universe can be applied to the body vividly…
So with myself, the neural interlopers for a while were really hammering me with psychological pain inside my chest and body. Again, this happens when the brain waves for psychological pain are taken from their normal areas and applied to the body sensation area of the brain.
Ramola D: So pain from one area, say a migraine, can be transferred to other areas–so you can, say, experience the sense of a migraine emanating from your heart?
Omni: Exactly, they can take a design of suffering and apply it to the entire body. On the flip side, this is while the perpetrators enjoy these technologies in highly criminal ways.
They are committing the worst Surveillance Abuses possible with these technologies.
While I am being neuro-raped by whatever design some Black Ops psychopath forces into my being, they are perving out on real bodies of citizens with these same technologies. It is based on radio frequency environmental scanning that the public has not yet quite caught onto. As far as public science goes in evidencing this, a preliminary version of the technology I speak about is called "RF capture," another version I have heard about is called "interferometry."
Ramola D: You have named these agencies as threatening you via BCI: the FBI, NSA, CIA, and US Military. Can you convey more closely what exactly was said and how these groups identified themselves to you? Also, when you say BCI, how exactly did you experience these communications—was it with images or words, was it verbal and audible like V2K or more subliminal or silently voiced like Synthetic Telepathy or Silent Sound or Radio Hypnosis?
Omni: All 4 of those sources have contacted me in threatening ways (unless they have been impersonated). I do not have available memory of most of these communications, but I do remember the U.S. Military communications always being abusive and violent. They have indicated they would frame me, and abuse me the rest of my life. It is usually with V2K wording along with a conceptual energy underlying the communication.
Ramola D: So these have been verbal threats and intimidation? Were you contacted in person or are you speaking about V2K or synthetic telepathy? You are also reporting further threats–to both of us–as we work on this interview. What is the fear or other reaction these groups are expressing, regarding exposure of these Crimes Against Humanity?
Omni: The conversations are done in a way that leaves me with zero evidence of what occurred minus my own testimony. Done via V2K.
The shadow government has a system for those that expose them effectively. Any work I do that exposes them I am liable to be tortured for. I suspect they do not want the truth to come out, and they have mechanisms to suppress people speaking out about their secrets.
Sanitization of Senses and Sensory Substitution
Ramola D: On your new documentary website, NeuroAbuse, you are reporting a hijacking and replacement of your own sensory stimuli and responses: good smells being replaced by noxious smells. How long has this been going on, how pervasive is it, and have these Mil/Intel neuro-abusers explained why they would torture you in this fashion?
Omni: It has been going on heavily for maybe a year. I have almost all of my good smells and tastes removed from my enjoyment, a Nazi-like sanitization of pleasure is taking place. Just about every meal by the end of it I have a repulsive taste replacing the real food taste. With implants and a neuroscience method called neural heterodyne they can alter the existing frequencies in the brain, which then alter the sensory input one experiences.
Ramola D: "I have witnessed the impersonation of U.S. Congress in my brain-computer interface experiences." Can you expand on this? Are you suggesting you are seeing Congressmen – or the images of same—mentally, while being neuro-abused? Are these internal synthetic electronic images or holograms—and which Congressmen or women in particular? What do you think it means?
Omni: They have been impersonating Congress to me via Brain-Computer Interface technologies. It is usually happening with V2K words, along with various other forms of Brain-Computer Interfacing. Murmurs in the cybernetic networks have Congress being invited to BCI in the coming years. The cybernetic networks are incredibly unconstitutional, and I am perceived as a threat to inform Congress about the truth. Some of the forced speech and neuro-framing appears to be themed in deceiving Congressmen and women about me.
They are impersonating Rand Paul, Adam Schiff, Maggie Hassan, and Bernie Sanders the most to me. They have implicated they have ongoing operations to deceive Congress. In light of all this and more, I have decided I will be producing a PDF for Congressmen and women in the future
Inversion of Will, Violation of Free Will
Ramola D: You have rightfully stated your free will is being violated by all these forms of Neuro Abuse. Are they able to suppress or override your true will to do something or think something—how do you experience this kind of takeover of your own free will? What kind of inversion of will are you experiencing?
Omni: They can control the mind & body of anyone on the surface of the planet with these technologies. Free will is involved in neuroscience and it can be removed with radio frequency brain implantation. Also taste can be warped or inverted, actions can be forced to happen that are completely against the free will and natural disposition of a person.
I am experiencing on a daily basis an inversion of my taste while (they are) neurally framing me to things I find completely repulsive. The neural interlopers have indicated that they are populating my brain with false neural data to be later used against me.
Ramola D: "They have indicated they will be able to destroy me for opposing their criminal conspiracy." While you are not alone in opposing their criminal conspiracy, Omni, you are certainly a vitally important witness and reporter of these neuro crimes, and it’s significant that they say this to you.
You also state they think they have established absolute legality "under the laws they orchestrated through the U.S. Government" and that you are being framed "for the same crimes (you) have embarked on exposing." This is interesting, and appears to be a replay of their general MO of inverting/projecting criminality: classification however, cannot be used to conceal crime, by US law. (Sec. 1.7. (Executive Order 13526))
Can you report some of what they say, and who do they identify themselves as—you have mentioned detecting a Nazi faction—are there different factions in this AI that speaks to you via BCI/V2K?
Omni: The international Black Ops Crime Syndicate involves a large number of colluding Intelligence Agencies and Militaries who have obtained technologies such as Neural Monitoring and Electromagnetic Mind Control while forming a global network of conspiring cybernetic networks. What they have done with these networks is so highly illegal and immoral they will commit any nature of fraud to protect themselves from exposure.
As for Nazis, I have detected a Nazism edge to the Cointelpro AI. I believe this stems back to Operation Paperclip, Project 63, and National Interest and the formation of American Intelligence Agencies in the 1940s after World War II. Shortly after the formation of American Intelligence agencies, they started projects like MK Ultra, Project Artichoke, and Project Bluebird.
Operation Paperclip Nazis presumably then developed black project Artificial Intelligence and Directed Energy weapons which has manifested into the modern day covert holocaust. My beliefs in a nutshell: the Nazis were not destroyed in World War II, and their ethos were then inherited by sources who used their scientists.
Ramola D: Are you able to speak back to them, and what do you say? Is this through thought projection and silent telepathy or is it verbally?
Omni: I speak to them, yes. Through a mental voice in my internal mind. Most of what I say to them is forced speech. A problem is they doctor my internal voice in torturous and disrespectful ways, this makes me not want to speak. I have also said things when pissed off like I think they are forsaken souls, and hope they are eternally damned for what they have done.
Ramola D: Many people being targeted currently with neuroweapons and DEWs are reporting increased attacks on their bodies and brains currently. These are silent attacks, while Youtube, Google, and Facebook have stepped up their visible censorship attacks on Truth Media. In any civilized society working to be free of oppression, I would think people would help each other. What can any reader do to help stop this outrageous assault on your body, your brain, and your life?
Omni: I am unsure if a reader can help me. I guess if they want to help they can remember I said I was being framed if my name ever comes up in a circus of slander. They could also help inform Congress or the public about Electronic Targeting.
Ramola D: My hope always is that journalists with conscience, doctors with concience, neuroscientists with conscience will step forward and investigate further or speak out of their own knowledge. Publishing vital whistleblowing like this is also an appeal to the educated public, an appeal to humanity.
Hopefully by reporting these crimes, we can also reach factions in the Military and Intelligence who may be unaware – by reasons of compartmentalizing and truncated Need to Know – that such extreme neuro-abuse is occurring, and clarify for them the need to act to stop it from the inside. Do you think this is a possibility?
Omni: I think the war criminals will not stop without being forced to, they need to be indicted and/or executed. There is one cybernetic network who was once on the side of the shadow government who decided to betray their agenda… Within 2 years the threat I witnessed the networks say to that source had been actuated for that network’s country. And now that country is faced with a major threat of war. The occultists who rule these networks make it clear that betraying their agenda will be painful. I do however think that with the opposition available that change is possible…
Ramola D: Can you provide any insight into this opposition you perceive–are there factions with power that can successfully oppose these criminal shadow government networks? Can humanity–all of us who care about human bodily and brain sovereignty–successfully oppose this atrocity?
Omni: There are a couple cybernetic networks that oppose the shadow government, but they deal with similar subterfuge and threats as someone like myself does. As soon as a network decides to betray the shadow government agenda, the occultists in charge of the electronic control grid are planning retaliatory attacks on that network’s country.
I do feel humanity will win, but we need people on the ground to help defeat the shadow government. There are powerful sources who are diametrically opposed to the shadow government and they will be fighting for our planet’s fate – from going down the path the shadow government desires – but they need the public’s help.
At this stage they need the public to assist in informing the world about the shadow government’s conspiracy and methods in a credible and effective way.
The world would never stand for what is truly happening if they were aware of it, and that is one of the biggest problems. Through a whole host of tactics and methods such as potent psychological warfare the shadow government keeps the public unaware. Awareness of a problem is pivotal in stopping that problem. This is a motivation of a lot of my life’s work, to increase awareness of the problems so that we can eliminate them as a society.
Ramola D: Omni, thank you very much for this vitally important whistleblowing interview, and for speaking out and working to raise public awareness to save humanity.
Neuro Abuse – Highly Criminal Neuro Framing/Omnisense
Omnisense/CounterDark.Org: List of Shadow Government Agendas and Methods
For more whistleblowing from Omni about the Neurotech Crimes of the Deep State, shadow government, and electronic telepathy cybernetic networks, please visit his many websites, some listed here:
This article may be reposted in full anywhere online with attribution and linkback. Please share this information widely.
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Interviews with Changemakers (3): Melanie Vritschan, Outstanding Human Rights Advocate Working for HumanityIn "Activism"
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6 responses to "Counterintelligence Crime | American Activist Filmmaker Reports Extreme Military/Intel Agency Neural Abuse with Covert Ops Brain-Computer-Interface Weapons"
Sherry | March 13, 2018 at 8:33 pm |