Who is leaking this science to universities

     I have been watching a program on the PBS channel NOVA SERIES called "brains on trial".  It's about the advancements in neuroscience and how these advancements are going to affect the law.  With these new advancements in ability to see into the brain and even see the functions of thought and memory, is there going to be a new conflict with the constitution and privacy rights?  Are our inner thoughts and memories going to be used against us in a trial?  Will law enforcement be allowed to peer into our minds to determine guilt or innocence or culpability in a commission of a crime, without our consent?

     With a FMRI you can tell if a person recognizes a face or anything that can be stored in the brains memory.  We here at peacepink know that these advancements are much further along than the general public or even the researchers themselves are aware of.  It is factual that the memories of our torturers can be peered into and we can actually see the memories of "our torture" as seen in the minds of those who committed the acts or those who have even witnessed the acts being committed.

     It would be very ingratiating to us if the Department of Justice and the FBI were to request that the persons who we have named as alledgedly committing crimes against us would volunteer to have their brains scanned to determine their innocence or culpability.  There are researchers near by at the University of North Carolina or Duke University, that would most certainly be willing to take a further in step resolving what is sure to be a continuum of conflicts with the constitution and civil rights.

Michael Benoit

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