If there is anyone who is unaware of what is going on in university's across the country in the field of biomedical engineering, genomics and neuroscience, you need only take a close look at Professor Paul Sajda's on-line Curriculum Vitae - Brain Science experimentation, R&D in the field of Biomedical Engineering where laboratory research often funded by DARPA government-controlled laboratories has a common practice of using nonconsensual human subjects. Mr. Sajda's affiliation with Sarnoff Research Center, aka Sarnoff Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of SRI, as well as with theStanford Research Institute where medical scientific brain-computer interface and Mind Control experimentation, research and development is known to have taken place in the past by this top intelligence contractor to the Department of Defense. It is noted in Professor Sajda's Curriculum Vitae that while affiliated with the Sarnoff Corporation, aka SRI, he documents his experience in the Intelligence Community in Washington, D.C.

If there is anyone reading this who truly believes that they are not being used for experimentation and not needed, you need only go to the second LINK to find a multitude of purposes for which you are needed in varioius areas of study.

Paul Sajda, B.S., M.S.E., Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering Columbia University
351 Engineering Terrace, MC8904, 1210 Amsterdam Avenue, New York, NY 10027
T (212) 854-5279 F (212) 854-8725 E psajda@columbia.edu
webpage: http://liinc.bme.columbia.edu

page 8, the following articles are listed:
Popular Press
“The Brain”, History Channel documentary (November, 2008)
“Brain-machine interfaces charge ahead”, Biosciences Technology (October, 2008)
“Hacking Our Vision System” (video), IEEE Spectrum on-line (August 2008)
“A Brainy Approach to Image Sorting”, IEEE Spectrum (April 2008)
“Mind-Reading Machines”, Biztech (December 2007)
“Brain-Computer Interfaces: Where Human and Machine Meet”,
IEEE Computer Magazine (January 2007)
“Aha! Someday, image analysis may take place at the speed of thought”, HSToday (August 2006)
“Subliminal Search”, MIT Technology Review (July 2006)
“Man and Machine Vision in Perfect Harmony", New Scientist (July 2006)
"This Is a Computer on Your Brain", Wired News (July 2006)
“Eyesight to the Blind”, CIO Magazine (December 2001)

External Invited Seminars, Colloquia & Conference Talks

Below are some of many listed on Paul Sajda's Curriculum Vitae

October 2005 “Cortically-coupled Computer Vision”, DARPA Neurotechnology for Intelligence Analysis, Washington, D.C.

May 2006 “Cortically-coupled Computer Vision”, DARPA Neurotechnology for

Intelligence Analysis, Santa Fe, NM

August 2006 “Cortically-coupled Computer Vision”, IEEE Workshop on Applied

Neural Computing, New York, NY

December 2006“Cortically-coupled Computer Vision”, Workshop on Current Trends
in Brain-Computer Interfacing, Whistler & Vancouver, CANADA

June 1996“Training Neural Networks for Computer-aided Diagnosis: Experience
the Intelligence Community”, United States Congress, Washington, D.C.

April 1997 Training Neural Networks for Computer-aided Diagnosis: Experience in the Intelligence Community”, Office of Women's Health (DHHS), Washington, D.C.

August 1998 “Training Neural Networks for Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Experience in the Intelligence Community”, Pacific Medical Technology Symposium, Honolulu, HI

March 1999“Neurocomputational Models for Exploiting Context in Visual Scene

Analysis”SRI, Menlo Park, CA

Summary: Use of electric potential or currents to elicit biological responses, et cetera
Review Research Topics all related to human-machine performance and the Human Genome Project.
Also documents 1994 - 2001 employment and consulting position with Sarnoff Research Center and Sarnoff Corporation, also known as STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE.

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