Brief Summary


1.    I have been targeted by Tun Dr. Mahathir (former Prime Minister of Malaysia), my own father for trying to expose his lies to his own country, Malaysia and the world.

2.    I have been a victim (and not the only one) of brainwave pattern reading and manipulation of undetermined origin either via microwave signals (microwave hearing) or other electronic harassment technologies with the same effect by his orders.

3.    That these technologies do exist and have been in development for a long time by the former USSR and United States of America, and NOT as he stated, “Malaysia is the first country to develop a peaceful weapon as an example to the rest of the world”.

4.    That this weapon is not “peaceful” but a method of intimidation and also a method to inflict mental torture (as I have experienced) a form of torture technique described in international law as being unlawful.

5.    That he is a closeted Freemason and has been working with the very people he has been demonising.

6.    That he and Anwar Ibrahim (also a Freemason) lied to the whole nation concerning their supposed ‘fallout’ and that it was a scheme to monopolize the local political environment (similar to the dual party system in the US and other countries) as a means of controlling public opinion and any eventual backlash via his proxy Anwar.

7.    That Tun Mahathir betrayed and is a traitor to all the people who helped create the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal, because he is working with the very people he claims to be fighting against. That he has all along been working with the industrial military complex via his hidden support of British weapons dealers and makers and a user of these despicable weapons. That the tribunal was doomed to fail from the start because he had orchestrated it to be so.

8.    That he lied to his countrymen and Muslims around the world about being a Muslim as a scheme to ‘infiltrate’ and influence the Muslim world and third world countries.

9.    That he is a self-professed Atheist in private and does not believe in God, life after death, and angels/demons/jinns (he also drinks alcohol in private during family vacations overseas).

10.    That he believes in Islam Allah SWT is referring to man and that he is Allah SWT. That since God is the Creator and man also creates, he is God.

11.    That he claims to be Jesus Christ but then restated that he doesn’t believe that Prophet Isa or Jesus Christ ever existed because “there is no historical evidence that he ever existed”.

12.    That what all the prophets experienced  when they saw or where met by angels were mere “hallucinations” which according to him if people back then had knowledge of modern science would deem it a “medical condition” or “hallucinations”.

13.    That when asked if he chose God over Satan, he casually said he chose Satan as god because he doesn’t believe that there is a God to punish him or a life after death to worry about.
14.    That he considers himself to be a “gentleman”, and that “gentlemen are above the law”, and that “gentlemen always play dirty” (in response to my outrage of his attempts to silence me)

15.    That my own father, Tun Dr. Mahathir has repeatedly threaten to kill me should I inform people of his true self and agendas to dissuade me from talking. He even said it could be made to look like an accident. He has also threatened to have me “disappear” or kidnapped.

16.    That he is involved in a criminal enterprise and consider the police force and judicial system of Malaysia his toy, and even said that he could just bribe or give orders to judges and police officials should I report his criminal activities.

17.    That he will ensure that I would not get any legal help as he could threaten or bribe any lawyers that would try to help me.

18.    That he will convince people that I am delusional as there is no legal protocol in place to report the use of brainwave reading and harassment technologies which is hard to prove without the right scientific instruments and that he could terminate the signal thus rendering any proof of activity as non-existent (the reason why he chose this method or weapon).

19.    That he will start a smear campaign against me should I ever divulge any of his secrets (which he has already started) as a pre-emptive measure.

20.    That he has lied to his own wife; my mother, my family, Malaysians and the world.  

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