caenor habitadis elegans is the whole secret about mindcontrol. Its a nematode, putted into the body, It is about 1 mm when its full grown. It lives of bacteries, genetically putted into tobacco and cigarettes. More and more food also contains these bacteries to give the body and the caenorhabitadis elegans food. This nematode is an electrical neurotransmitter, and its produced by a norwegian army-research company, Kongsberg research, and its getting modified in space at the spacestation ISSA. It makes the individual a negativ sender of signals, that is used in geomagnetic manipulation, as a geo-bridge. This is done to make negative fields, so-called morfogenetic fields that is manipulated from the spacestation, to strenghten the magnetic fields of the earth, and prevent poleshift.
This is satanism, to sacrifize humans. Israel, america and Nato is the operators.
The system is also used by drugpolice, and staybehind-forces, socalled sigma-networks (ILETS,LEAA).
If you have been two times to jail, the prisonguards (the corrupted ones) put wires and chips into you, along with bacteries, viruses and nematodes, and worm-egg from Monarch-butterfly.
If you are selling or using heroin, you are connectd to this mind-control-equipment.
If your family was a nazi during the second-world war, you are connected to this mind-control-equipments.
And if you are enlightened, either by natural, or chemical way, you are getting connected to this system, what they call second-world.
Drug-police, secret-police, military-intelligence and LEAA (Law enforcment assistance agency) and ILETS (International Law enforcement Telecommunication seminar) are the players, and the people connected to this system are the puppets.
CIA also is connected to this as a secret stay behind intelligence network. People get eye-chips and microphone-chips, and are ``eyes and ears``behind enemy-lines. That was the intentsion anyway, in the cold war. They build this system on the base of the german nazi gehlen organisation, and called it psychiatry.
At least 1 % of the population should have equipment. But now it have take off, totally.
NSA is the top of all information, the top of the pyramide, and all the intelligence-system in different countries are cooperating. The also distribuating drugs.
They call this secret surveillance-system psychiatry.