Can A Satellite Read Your Thoughts? - Hunting For The Signal
News Type: Event — Wed Mar 23, 2011 4:39 PM, radio, nsa, spies, ai, microwave, nlp, airforce, mri, fmri, sis, intelligence-gathering, bci, gchq, brain-computer-interface, interfaces, transcranial-magnetic-stimulation, artifical-intelligence, nmr, synthetic-telepathy, terrahertz, sentience
By Deep_Thought
A grid?
Well, the inevitable has happened. With all this analysis showing that human perception can be controlled by ELF radio signals, I decided to create a setup to analyze signals in this portion of the spectrum. So, what did I find?
The Setup
Examining ELF radio is relatively simple. An analogue microphone socket on a soundcard can convert the radio waves into a sound signal. Using a program such as Spectrum Lab, we can convert this signal into a picture which shows each frequency as a column. So, a transmission on a single frequency will create a straight line. As a general rule, the thinner and straighter the line, the more complex the transmitter must be.
You need a very good sound card for this. The sensitivity of the majority of sound cards is about -50db. That is, you will not "hear" signals that are weaker than this. The signals presented in this article are very weak and tend to begin around -85db. They were recorded on a Creative Labs card with a sensitivity of -130db.
The antenna was nothing fancy, in fact quite the opposite. A two meter twisted pair cable attached to a standard microphone jack. The last meter was untwisted and the two cables separated by 90 degrees. Other than that, it is just laying on the floor with a standard +20db gain enabled. The idea was to determine an initial view of the noise by minimizing the amplification provided by a tuned antenna.
I also increased the FFT length to create a long exposure. This is similar to photography, in that short lived events are faded and long term repetitive patterns become apparent. If you think of photos of traffic where all you can see are trails or streaks of the lights, it is a similar principle.
Such techniques are used to reveal the behavior of slow moving systems, such as the motion of stars.
Another effect is that the resolution becomes enhanced. Rather than seeing frequencies as columns with a width of a hertz or more, we can analyze the spectrum to tenth of a hertz. So, we end up with a picture that is anywhere between 10-15 times more detailed in terms of frequency separation.
Settings for Spectrum Lab are here:
1. Set audio input device to the driver (not ASIO).
2. Select Sample rate of 11025, set it to 24 bits/sample
3. Set the FFT input size to 524288
It will take about 2-3 hours to obtain a full screen of data.
The Theory
Quite apart from wanting to get a view of the results, the idea was to obtain a picture of the longterm strong electromagnetic signals in my area. The hope was that this information can be used to remove some of that noise from the final design of the receiver and from some post-processing to the data.
Some basic analysis could also be performed on the source of a signal. A frequency with a stable reception strength would indicate a static, or non-moving, transmitter. Frequencies that faded in and out could be related to atmospheric reflection, a transmitter in motion or alternating transmitters.
Some signals could be related to the reception equipment itself, however, comparative study and component replacement will reveal the source of those signals.
So, with this theory in mind, I set about performing two full screen scans, 3 hours late and night and 3 hours during the day.
The Results
Now for the interesting bit. During the last 48 hours, I ran series of scans at different resolutions. The initial low resolution scan can be seen here, it covers a period of about 5 minutes. Some interesting things stick out straight away, a strange set of emissions under 400Hz, some narrow band carrier waves and a static hum around 1.6KHz.
Two sets of high resolution scans were performed, one during the day and one at night. You can see the first time stamped image here. The first thing that really stands out is this dense layering of narrow band carrier waves. These signals will fall into three classes, noise from my hardware, noise from the local environment or relatively strong signals. A clearer picture removing the time stamps is here.
In this image, we get our first clear look at this hum of static. We can see that it has drifted across the band indicating that there is some form of underlying oscillation. The source cannot be determined at this stage.
In the next image, we begin to exam the sub-1000Hz range. It is within this range that firing neurons will produce weak radio signals. Again, we can see dense carrier waves at a wide range of power levels. These power levels appear to be quantized in some way, that is, carrier waves with particular frequency gaps tend to have the same power level. At 125Hz and 250Hz we can see a signal that periodically increases in strength across both bands. We can also observe vague repetitions of that same pattern at every 125Hz separation.
Taking a closer look at this last signal, we can see how it repeats on a different frequency separation at a different power level. Its almost as if there were layers of carrier waves identified by spacing and accessible only to a particular receiver sensitivity.
Another interesting signal that appeared was this unstable oscillation around 201Hz and this one around 875Hz. A closeup of the latter signal can be viewed here.
Now we get to a very interesting image. Pay attention to the background, rather than the foreground. Do you notice the horizontal lines? That is a broad range transmission, lasting a minute or two, then a new variation of this signal is transmitted. This is what I would expect to see from dense narrow band mesh, like a ELF/VLF phased array or frequency multiplexing. At higher scan rates, this structure would be invisible and should look like random noise.
So, that is it for the day time signals, now let's look at the same spectrum range during the night. Once again, here are the images of the observed spectrum, with and without a time stamp.
Straight away we can observe a new set of very strong carrier waves, 1024Hz apart and very dense narrow band communication in the sub-600Hz region. What is interesting to note is that we can rule out a local source for these carrier waves, so it is not a signal or harmonic being produced by my reception equipment.
Taking a closer look at this sub-600Hz region, which is the region the majority of neurons would be responsive to, we can observe a highly dense packing of narrow band carrier waves. At this resolution, determining the frequency stability can be impossible, but I am not ruling out some form of microhertz channel separation due to this closer view. Also, the grid pattern we identified during the day, is now even more apparent and we can see these broad range transmissions vary in both broadcast and separation time. The next few shots given us a closer look at this grid structure and can be viewed here, here, here and here.
Regardless of the source of these signals, they are occupying a region that can interfere with human cognition.
The next stage is to boost the gain of the input signal, so a proper antenna and a variable pre-amp are my next objectives.