
Thank you, Canadian Government for donating 3.77 M to UN Human Rights.

No matter how you are hacking Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch Europe, this below must be forwarded.

( This photo used for evidence has been hacked or removed.)

UN Human Rights
UN Human Rights Council
International Bar Association
International Criminal Court
Canadian Government

"They" are remotely controlling my heart monitor so that it can stop its functions at any time they want within Ontario, Canada. They are madly attacking my heart ,and  madly,  remotely controlling my heart beats . So, my heart can beat violently 44 -139 in my home,in my work place, or when driving.

Please see my  heart rate and how they are remotely controlling my  heart monitor:


and ( This photo used for evidence has been hacked or removed.)


If they don't commit these crimes, why are they remotely controlling my heart monitor?

Recently ,  one professor of University of  California, San Diego stated: If you are secretly forced to take one medicine called " sensitizer ", they can start their torture, terror and murder by Microwave, Radio Frequency...because you are now very sensitive to  Microwave, Radio Frequency. Even, they can do these remotely. ( This paragraph is being filtered.)

McDonald's Philippine cashier poisoned me when she poured coffee for me. Amnesty International and Amnesty International Canada responded to what they did to me.

I have video  about  how I found in my home   by floor vibration lights  " they"  wore  "invisibility cloak"  to poison me and forcibly inject me. The next morning I could hardly move because of the injection. Regarding invisibility cloak, all Canadian media reported it a few years ago. What did they inject into my body? 

They are evil without bottom line; they are brutal without considering consequences. And, regardless of anything, they are  hacking UN, International Human Rights Community ( particularly, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch Europe), International Criminal Court, and everything I am using, even my home security cameras.

What else? Here are our email letters between UN and me:



What else? 14 years ago, all  Canadian lawyers refused my request and stated  : " You have nowhere to go if you want to file complaints against Canadian police and doctors. "

Fight for my life being  threatened ; fight against ongoing (psychological ) torture, terror and attempted murder,  I am not alone and I need your help.

Robin Yan

Canadian victim of torture


Please forward this  to International Bar Association, UN Human Rights Office
by fax  and sr-torture@ohchr.org
, thanks.

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