Amanda Howell. 8/16/2012NCM NJ 08204Case # 1:12- cv-03275-RMBFEDERAL DISTRICT COURTDISTRICT OF NEW JERSEYWITNESS STATEMENT -My name is Amanda Howell, I am 22 yes of age and the daughter of Plaintiff Mr.James Howell.My statement is in regards to events that have occured since August 2010 after my fathers post termination hearing from the Delaware River and Bay Authority.Since August of 2010 we have been expierincing being followed by people in cars any were we went suchas stores, Mcdonalds ect.My older brother Jesse Igeilski and. his wife and children have also expierenced that as well, in 2011 my brother had an altercation with one of the followers,lowertownship police were involved.One expierience myself and mother Joanne Howell expierienced was approximattaly in November of 2010. we were sitting down at the Douglas parking lot down at the bay drinking coffee, a DRBA. "FERRY"police car pulled in and blocked us from moving, he never got out and said anything.I felt scared and threatened.We expierienced many other types of being followed by "people"in there cars to the present day.other types of incidents were at our home at nightime in our back yard there were people making noises banging things flashing a red light back in the woods, this happened many times up untill May of 2012.I have also seen really strange burn marks on my fathers forehead ,his eyes were swollen and very red and watery . It was v strange and unexplainable this has happened many times in our home ,I believe he is being tortured by the people.who are security from the Ferry.I have actually went with my father James Howell when he was trying to get a job these people follow us. Even to the places were he was trying to get a job.As soon as my dad leaves our house he is followed .I have seen my fathers truck and mothers car broke into and vandalized.All of our cellphones have been tampered , like somebody is controlling the phones. Text messages, and altering pictures stored on the phones.There has also been very low flying airplanes over our home much lower than usual,and only over our house. this has been going on since Aug 2010.I have watched my father suffer since the beggining of this,he has tried to find out what is happening almost every single day.This has disrupted our family and caused us all to suffer, it has even interfered with my little sisters schoolingMyself and my boyfriend Brian Walton have since moved out of my dads house in June 2012 because of the stress and because of Being helpless to help my dad find out what is happening there is no doubt that something has been going on since August 2010 , its like my Dad has done something wrong but nobody will tell him what it is.I have also witnessed the forged signature post termination hearing decision document.I am the actual persin who noticed and identified the forgery of Mr.Fressettos name.I have witnessed the video of the adult black male visitor to my neighbors house who was wearing D.R.B.A. clothing.I have witnesed the same adult black male in a Public Newspaper Article standing behind D.R.B.A airport durector Steven Williams.THis meeting was with lowertownship nj and the D.R.B.A at the CapeMay county airport.I Amanda Howell am stating under the penalty of pergury all statements are true in this document.
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