Posted by johnnytrial on September 22, 2012 at 1:13am
My name is Brian Walton I am stating what I have witnessed for the past two years regarding James HowellAnd what has happened after his post termination hearing.Since I have known James he has not lied about anything.I have witnessed people with white transponders on the windshield of their cars follow James and his family.It is so rediculous that that James cannot even get a Job becsuse of this. This has caused James and his family to suffer for no reason watsoever..I have also seen people leaving his property.I have also seen people sneaking around his property.I have witnessed people in the back yard at night time harassing and shining red lights and banging things making fake animal noises..His house has been broken into and his electrical devices has been tampered with.I have seen his truck broken into several times, and interior damage was done.I have witnessed thedocument that contained a fotged signature of Richard Fressetto.Someone stole that document out of his house.I have witnessed unusual visitors at his neighbors.There is no doubt that theD.R.B.A. is responsible for James having records submitted into the dept of homeland security and the obnoxious unwarrented serveilance.I worked there with James he is no threat to anyone, he'd give the shirt off his back to help anyone.D.R.B.A has caused life affecting matter that has caused a horrible life affecting change to James and his family.D.R.B.A has abused their authority, they have deprived his rights as an American citizen ,they have deprived his rights as a father to take care of his family..The D.R.B.A needs to be investigated for what they have fone to this family.Justice needs to be served, this Trumped up investigation needs to stop imediatelly so that the Howell family can be happy and peaceful.Under the penalty of perjury I Brian Walton am stating everything on this affadavit is true.September 20 ,2012.