case law

I am headed to the supreme court next week.  I am trying to get information of the case of David Larson v. Alfred Mann Foundation in the 9th circuit court of appeals.  The case number is 09-56091.  They are tampering with my computer.  They actually broke into my home and physically destroyed the seventh laptop now.  Trying to get justice from these criminal law enforcement is a tough road, but I am committed.  I wonder what would happen if we all went to the airport and just thought bomb.  Civil disobedience - it would cost millions.  thoughts are not actionable offenses. 

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  • Media Lady, I beieve this is being accomplshed by humans using computerized machinery to read and manipulate Extremely Low Frequency waves. (ELF) , this article talks about some of the things ELF waves do in nature, and in our own bodies. You will notice the experiemnts show that Faraday cages do not block ELF waves. I have other articles that say this as well. ,this article shows the basics of ELF waves as well. , these articles show different types of Brain COmputer Interfaces (BCI), NOTE, the non-invasive type of BCI.

    Symptomology that TIs have experienced have persisted inside Faraday cages, and deep under the EArth as well as high into the air or out over the sea. ELF waves simply travel to places other waves frequencies cant. And since our brains and bodies send out ELF waves by nature, it seems as thoguh someone has come up with a means of manipulating ELF waves so they can send and receive information to and from our brains from a distance. 

    I do not believe there are many actual micro chip inserts being used in todays world. Not when you can accomplish it without having to insert anything. notice the article above talking about the pros and cons of invasive BCIs, the negatives included scar tissue, and infection of the brain. you will find some insist that they have an implant. Usually it is because they really do have symptoms, but the only thing that hey can understand is the idea of an implant. The idea of our bodies sending out information on its own is too foreign to them, even though it is proven science.

    There is a lot of information about BCIs and ELF waves online. I would be judicious about what sites you take seriously. SOme sites will make statements without any references.

  • Hello Everyone:  These posts above are all very informative with one exception (for the newbie that I am to this mind control madness).  What's missing from my point of reference is info showing me the science of HOW this stuff is being done to a human being.  Does someone out there have a link(s) that can open my eyes to the concern of HOW?  The general public would want to know this info too. 


    Please be reminded of one thing.  No matter how far fetched mind control is, therefore are many "clear, open minded thinkers" out there who have the ability to move beyond the "shock and awe of wonder" THAT this IN FACT... *is* real and going on in our world.  Because the 'technology' of mind control remains a constant, so do our individual unique experiences; and that is the basic EVIDENCE of this mind control and elements associated with it BEING REAL in the minds of others.  This is merely, the element of CAUSE AND EFFECT playing out over and over again.   Once there is a showing of this pattern of behavior THEN the hidden factor of the conspiracy element can become the issue in association to this secretive behavior.  It's not always necessary to show the smoking gun only a reasonable shadow of a doubt.  Plenty of folks unfortunately have gone to prison for 'circumstantial' evidence and no proven smoking gun in court.


    Back to my original thought, I'd love to read up on this (like I have for the MK-ULTRA program).  Please let me know of any links you'd find helpful.  Thank you!  ~Debra, a newbie on the block

  • I think he was just making a wishful thinking to release his grief, but does not mean that he was serious and would do it. Sometimes people just say things out of the blues, but you cannot always take things literally.  But because this is a public website, we should be careful in putting out words.  Anyway, mens rea - the intent and actus rea - the wrongful act must coincide to commit a crime.  They must be both present at the same time to commit a crime.  

    It is his inalienable right if he wants to head to the SC.  Nobody can dictate to him that he is wrong, that is his civil right.


  • What is happening to your laptops? Are they just not functioning properly? Or are they actually busted up into pieces?

  • I believe that the perps would watch and see what takes place if you went and thought 'bomb' in an airport. I really dont think much would happen. First of all, they would be able to see in our brains that there is no real threat. And, even if you were serious about blowing something up, they would likely just watch. I knew a guy who is doing 5 years in prison for car jacking because the perps told him to do it. 

    When it comes to legal action, Shoga is right. I have not seen or read one petition or legal movement that has actual evidence that the court can act upon.

  • First of all no one would react to what you think even if they can hear you because thoughts aren't a crime, this is not a movie. Secondly entrapment is based on the source of the crime. Police wouldn't be the source. And thirdly if you can't prove the government, what branch of the government or who in the government is supposedly acting in a 1984 Big Brother whatever and watching your every thought then you don't have a case or anything to report. You'll only make real T.I.'s sound crazy which helps no one unless your'e a provocateur trying to trivialize the condition of T.I.'s.  There's allot you need to learn about the law, law enforcement and what your'e dealing with.

  • Thinking "bomb" is not the same as actually bombing someone, but if the authorities acted upon the negative thought display it would entrap them into revealing that the technology exists and that the govt is acting in a"1984" Big Brother is watching your every thought" manner.
  • I think that what he is getting at is that our thoughts are transmitted to those around us in subliminal ways,  so he is not saying to actually bomb anyone,  but to sardonically display the capabilities of this technolovy and throw it in their face because thoughts are not illegal unless "1984" comes to fruition.

  • On second thought you sound like a provocateur trying to enrage and mislead... crazy... 

  • Who are you going to charge as the defendant? If you can't state for a fact who it then you don't have a case. And why would you think bombing allot of innocent people? That sounds psycho. Do you think you'll get a response? I don't think so. Maybe you need counseling.

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