In synthesis, here was an apparent natural catastrophe that struck an ancient land that was ruled by a brutal regime. The world geopolitical leaders were seeking to change the political control of the Burmese junta ruled by Sr. General Than Shwe and so struck the region of Myanmar. The resultant casualties were later estimated by the UN and the British as being about 217,000 people while displacing another 2 millionto abject poverty and homeless. The planetary implications were that this one catastrophe would remove 220 million tons of Rice from the 3rdWorld Rice Bowl and leave billions hungry in a world gone awry.
It was then noticed that the HAARP activity continued for the next eight days. During this time the world was transfixed upon the apocalyptic humanitarian crisis in this Southeastern nation of Myanmar. On May 11, 2008 at 22 UTC, the activity of HAARP disappeared. Eight hours later, on May 12, 2008 at 6:28 UTC, the earthquake in the Sichuan Province of China erupted.
During the preceding days and hours, there were reports of strange erratic toad behavior, iridescent red, white and blue clouds in thesky, and strange cloud formations that were recorded and documented by the Chinese people. This clustering of coincidences suggested that a triangulation of a phased array of several ionospheric heaters coordinated around the world sent forth scalar waves thathad the weaponized capacity to trigger earthquakes. Couple this with the sensitivity of certain people and animals acting as natural scalar detectors picking up the non-physical signs of an impending catastrophe, it leads to a probable supposition that the earthquake in China was human engineered.
Catastrophe at the China Sichuan Earthquake
With the destruction of multiple military facilities, secret testing laboratories, and nuclear armories, the Chinese earthquake maysomeday be recognized as one of the most successful military battles of the 20th and 21st century that left over 80,000 dead and 4.8 million people homeless in China. Add to that the 217,000 plus Burmese people that were killed and the loss of 220 million tons of rice in a world facing a global famine, this event may someday be recognized as a catastrophic war of biblical proportions.
This one covert battle tied up the secret Chinese military for weeks and exposed their strengths and weaknesses for the military analysts of the world to observe. It also tied the hands of the Chinese government in the days before the 2008 World Olympics that they could not openly retaliate and thereby jeopardize the adverse public relations that could destroy China’s first international Olympics onAugust 8, 2008.