We sometimes have to learn hard lessons through our mistakes and ignorance.
EVEN when using a Tracfone/"burner", do NOT use any of the extras. If you want to play games, or keep a calendar or address book, shopping list, etc, get another cheap NEW Tracfone - but DON'T set up an account or add money. In this way, it acts like a PDA and can't be tracked bcz there's no access - it's just a dumb piece of equipment.
Tracking comes when either your phone is physically accessed and perps drop a tracker app on it, OR you use it to call a phone number perps are familiar with (like HOME). Once they can find out the phone number of your new cell phone, they have a multitude of ways to drop invasive information gathering software on your phone without you EVER being aware of it.
I'd advise getting a burner and don't use any of the added things such voice mail, and use it to JUST make a phone call to your doctor or private detective, nothing else! Leave the bells and whistles to a "dumb" PDA.