Cell phone’s E-money scam



腦控空間有人利用無辜受害者併芯片, 並用電子錢包過數方式, 向竊聽者收取費用, 甚至進行洗黑錢活動.




另一方面, 追溯到已過去的中國新年, 據講有人利用我的名和已注銷超過8年的電話號碼91229749向在腦控空間素不相識的富豪乞討利是錢, 令人莫名其妙. 我本人53300129電話號碼從未啟用電子錢包, 敬請留意!




在此澄清, 本人在腦控空間,只是一名受害者, 并非工作人員. 經常有一大帮人同我併芯片腦控, 思維干擾, 精神虐待, 他們全部同我素未謀面, 只是聽聲, 腦音聊天得知是娛樂圈一眾敗類, 非我朋友. 近期有姓鄧的一家, 據講是明星周星馳的朋友, 聯同汪明荃負責的TBV臨記, 24小時開我腦音滋擾, 令我不勝其煩 在此澄清, 我非娛樂圈中人, 同娛樂圈沒有任何關係, 只是莫名其妙被腦控. 望我的朋友, 親人不輕信他們, 小心被騙!




Cell phone’s E-money scam

The metamorphosis chip controller used the innocent victims to within chip with someone who want to stalking and eavesdroppers in mind control space, and use e-wallets to collect fees, even with money laundering activities.

Date back to the Chinese New Year 2019, it is said that someone used my name and the telephone number 91229749 that has been written off for more than 8 years, to begging lucky money from rich man who I don’t know in brain control space. It is inexplicable. I have to clarify that I have only one phone number 53300129, and never ever register for e-wallet or e-money, so be careful the scam.

I have to clarify again, I am a victim in mind control space, not a staff member. There are a large group of people within my chip in long-term without my consent, thinking interference, mental abuse all the day, I even cannot contact with then, just listen with V2K, Through chat to known whom the movie stars. They are not my friend.


Recently, there is a family name said Tang, which is said to be a friend of the movie star of Stephen Chow, together with Liz wan leads of extra acts of TVB, 24 hours for brain nuisance, I had felt exhausted and so bothered.


It was made me so confuse, why me, I am not a person in the entertainment industry, and never ever have any connected with the entertainment industry, why they mind control me. Warn to my friends, relatives, don’t believed them, be careful to be cheated!


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