I love to challenge my perps!. They only attack me with either hits to the body because I'm doing something right against their Tech. Or they attack me to make me scared!... In my case none if their crap works wiv me nomore!. They don't intend to kill ME or us TI's. If they intended to kill us? We wud be dead already! Thats why its called Electronic 'Harassment.'. The perps like to scare us in thinkn 'THEY' are in control. Wot control av they got over us? I mean really...Wot control? Are we on a dog lead? Do we av2 stay in doors? Can we pee when we want? Or poop when we want to??? If I go out my door now? I don't think in my head "oooh that guy or lady over ther is looking at me weird. They must be a perp of mine?"... The perps av2 put obstacles in our way. In front of us to notice!. For it to av an effect on us!. And they build it up and up and up and up everyday! To make us crumble!. To make us fear them!. Example: If I was taking a short cut to get home and i decided to walk through a field full of cows? And I was wearing a white T-shirt wiv red shorts. Would I think to myself " Oooh 1's lookn at me in a weird way. I think its gona attack me?" In truth cows don't attack humans. And I'd be happy to walk through a heard of cows wiv a hop, skip and a whistle as I did so... Now if I took the same short cut & the field was empty except for only a Bull mooching on some grass. Would I stop and avoid the shortcut or wud I continue through the field? Of course I wud continue through the field. They say Bulls charge if they see red? This is just a myth!. It comes down to wot u believe. And wot circumstances are put in front of you?! And how you perceive the World through your own 2eyes... The perps don't care in attacking us wiv hits to our body. That's like using a cattle prod to force cattle to go 1way or the other into a field where a farmer wants it to go. You'll still get the odd cow that turns around or runs the other way! ;) . Don't be scared in thinkn that perps are gona kill us! When u think like this? Your putting a thought out there. Which is frequency. For the perps tech to pick up and attack you mor!!!. Try this method... Next time you get hit to the body? Say out loud! "Wot are u trying to do to me perps? Your attacking me to scare me and to keep making me scared!, Sorry this doesn't work nomore perpys. I thought the whole idea of your tech was to get in here? My brain! To my thoughts! To change the way I think in reality?? Wots a matter perpys? Av I pissed you off?!. C'mon perps! Its my brain your after!!!. You can attack my body parts everyday! But where's that gona get you? NOWHERE!!!.".... SO PLEASE TI'S. STAND UP FOR YOURSELVES! DONT LET ANYBODY BULLY YOU! DO WOT I DO. THINK POSITIVE ALWAYS! YOUR IN CHARGE OF YOU! NOBODY ELSE! CHANGING THE WAY YOU 'THINK!' IS THE KEY TO FREE YOURSELVES!!!. Take care! ;)