So can any1 tell me why i can change the sound frm a high to low pitch that i hear in my head. Just by moving a copper band or by playing a mp3 of white noise on my mobile phone down each side of my body until the tone i hear in my head mostly disappears to zero??? The tone i hear in my head in the right ear is lettin me kno the perps are hittn my right kidney. If i play white noise wiv the volume on the lowest settn & hold it against my kidney? The sound i hear vanishes!... The perps slipped up wiv me. My moto is "I dnt av2 look at you to hear wots goin on around me"... I truely believe ti's the "eeeeeeee" were all hearing in our heads? Is the sound of your organs getn hit by the perps. When u hear the sound "eeeee" when its at its loundest in our head? The perps are usually hittn the middle of our breast bone near the heart. Ive known this for sumtime. Perps must of bin trackn me heart for years. Til 1 nyte i just put a pillow over me chest for experimental reasons & bingo! It all suddenly stopped! No "eeeeeee" just silence :-! . Now ive carried that knoledge wiv me to this day. Any1 can do this. The main areas the perps are tryn to hit is your sides "kidneys". Your breast bone for wen u hear the loudest "eeeeeee". But also they love hittn around our belly button. Probably to do wiv indigestion & our chi area. Jus experiment wiv white noise or copper band & it will help all ti's. Try this method when your on your bed, flat on your back. Now listen.. Close your eyes. Which ear do u hear the sound the most. Left or right?. Then jus go wiv that. & remember if your hearing the"eeeeeeee" really loud in both ears? Then the perps are hittn your breast bone & down the centre of our body. Hope this helps?! ;-)