channel ducking and more ridiculousness....

Doing errands is always extra hard they come out of every vent air conditioner at the mall the swish from the cars, my head truly hurts from them running V2K over the back of my pineal glad my chest is scared from it to over my heart....been getting out lots lately but I'm still getting they're organised pattern of abuse the stupid things they say over and over again them narrating every nook and crevice of my brain putting words to things that arn't even remotely relevant...they are soooo stupid and they think there funny  standing in front of a cashier ( I have noticed interact being a lot faster then it was a month ago and I'm so glad for that) is the worst I dread that 2-5 minutes in line while they try and make me say and insinuate me doing all kinds of things.  They have nothing important left in there pathetic lives that they care about at all or it would be massacred in the same manner by now I'm sure I guess that's why they keep themselves that way...they are so sick that they have taken the humor out of everything.They even take the time to massacre my favorite song and make it sound stupid...they think the word butt pustule being said over and over again in different sentences is somehow funny...." is that guy hot? cuz we could make you look like a skank" I don't even take time to think about the male species for one anymore and I could care less what anyone in the mall looks like....seriously....picked up some bioplasma today BIO XII should probibly mark down the date of when I started taking it just to see if its helping things have been worse latly I havnt felt like doing much noticed there was something for tinnitus relief at the health food store today to wondering if that would shut up the V2K I'm going to look further into this. Another vitimin I'm reading on is CoQ10...and also ginkgo biloba.

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  • again like I have already stated I believe in the phenomenon that TI`s call "gangstalking" so to me its real ...but exactly how this is done in reality I have lots of questions...

    but for this thread I rather focus on what can you actual do about it

    look going in and trying to report "gangstalking" is going to get anybody you report it to suspicious about YOUR mental situation ......again you can argues that's right/wrong ...but that they way it is the moment.

    but YOU can go and report anti social behaviour which is recognised and understood and has laws/protocols to deal with

    Meaning of “anti-social behaviour”

    (1)In this Part “anti-social behaviour” means—

    (a)conduct that has caused, or is likely to cause, harassment, alarm or distress to any person,

    (b)conduct capable of causing nuisance or annoyance to a person in relation to that person’s occupation of residential premises, or

    (c)conduct capable of causing housing-related nuisance or annoyance to any person.

    think about it we have to smarter here ...who did they catch Al Capone did they do him for organised crime ? they got him on TAX evasion laws.

  • look labrat i don`t have the time to properly investigate this or anybody else personal situation on here all I can do is give generalise answer to quite common situation that TI`s face and hopefully point them towards good information and hopefully they can resolve the situation ...but saying that each victim situation there are going to unique circumstances so they might have to figure out what precisely  they need to do in there position but having a good general answer form what others have done should be a good place to start from .    

  • look again I given a generalised answer as it very very common for TI`s to have these sort of situations .

    also having  Neighbors From Hell is very common in non TI`s as well .....most of these times some silly situation creates some ridicules feud that quickly gets out of hand  .... Now my personal experience/belief is a lot of times the people behind the tech/v2k will exploits any differences you have with your neighbours, or psychological direct create a confrontation situation between YOU and your neighbours ....i.e get you to believe they are perps and them to believe you are some crazy person that's turned on them for no reason and makes false accusations or worse ....then normal at the end of this ...YOU are normally caught in a situation were the police are called or your friends & family call the mental health team in because they are worried about you  .....and the real perps behind the techs just laugh and tick a box as job done they got you in the mental health system plus made you look like a crazy person to your friends,family and community while there involvement is not even considered .... so it a lot of cases YOU do get in disputes with neighbours , but I believe the people behind the tech have sparked/orchestrated this situation ....

    also getting stuff like CCTV to protect your home is a must

    Neighbors From Hell        

  • well first I would make sure its real audio ...i.e get a sound meter and not some v2k trick exploiting a situation making it far worse than an real noise from neighbours ...all neighbours are going to make some type of noise get that first ...then  i would just fallow the anti social laws this is what the Citizens Advice Bureau in the UK to advice you have to check what to do in YOUR AREA but probably pretty similar....

  • again i would only buy one if you are caught in a situation were you believe your neighbours are the ones doing it and you "perceive"   you hear them whispering /talking at the other side of a wall/ceiling and you are caught listing to these walls trying to figure what's happening .....or you are in a situation were you get a lot off anti social noise disturbances as you could use the the meter along with some type of video dairy 

  • Le Brat, what is this part about Karen, or anyone else,  just being 'able to tell' if someone is a perp,  much less tell what is on their mind? And how can you know if the gesture the person made was made by him or someone controlling him? Please, dont tell people to just trust their gut! If you or anyone else thinks that their gut feelings are right, then take your gut feelings to a casino. See how much money your gut feeling makes you. And if you think you can read people,  play some poker to see how well you can tell what people want you to know. 

  • you don`t need a device to "see throw a wall" to see if a sound is  authentic need to get a sound meter will pick up normal sound and not microwave hearing effects can try to use sound recorder ....but I think sound meters are better as you can visually see the meter in real-time acting on ....or not to what sounds you are perceiving....with just using a sound recorder have to stop rewind and play back the recording ....but when I did this ....they were just replaying the V2K back at me I played the recording and there are a few other mind games they i would suggest getting a sound meter you can verify real audio from the V2K .....pulse sonic warfare works best when your vision is obscured ...i.e at night time....or coming from other side of a you will visuals what you think is there from want you hearing .....  

  • I am but there are those that aren't nice back.. There are those that follow you, give you the finger or give you wicked grins just to say yes you are being stalked. There is true gang stalking and I have experienced. There are times I did mistaken manipulation for stalking, more times Than I want to admit but there also has been real stalking. I do forgive, better yet I just don't allow them to take my energy or allow them to take my peace. It's a struggle but One we all must fight.....
  • Karen , thats good to be positive! When I believed that Everyone in Seattle was against me, I dacided to be Foregiving. I woukd smike at the grumps, and even talk nicely to some (to my suprise they were always very nice when I talked to them). I was able to convert my resentment towards those around me into positive energy. And I avoided falling into reacting in negative ways.
    So my advice would to become a real good foregiver, if you already arent one.

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