Characteristics of my torturers

Characteristics of my torturers...UpdatesFrom what I gathered so far through long term observation, they are frustrated by my investigation into the criminal world of Satanism.At first, they tried to steer me in a wrong direction through lies.At the beginning, they tried to get my attention by interjecting while I was thinking.However, when I realised they are perpetual liars, they tried to torment me through verbal assaults by artificial telepathy.They also tried sleeping deprivation on me, trying to break me down mentally.They have also seduced me sexually by remotely causing sexual sensation.When they realised they could not stop me, they somehow cause my entire body to itch.Now, let me give you some ideas what they are like.They are essentially Cantonese speaking beasts, both male and female.They have lost all of their humanity.They hate YAHUVAH with a vengeance.They oppose all that is Holy.Their minds and thinking are twisted.They are completely evil.They are driven by the spirit of lawlessness and the spirit of rebellion.They are obsessed in doing evil continuously and cannot cease doing evil.They cannot persuade me to join Satan so they cause my skin to itch as a revenge.They also are being constantly frustrated by my constant devotion to YAH.The more I strive to do God's will, the more they torture me by causing my body to itch.I can sense their evil and hatred whenever they cause my skin to itch.They love to attack me by causing the most sensitive parts, inside my ear canals and the wounded parts of my skin to itch.They would frequently attack me whenever I am trying to get some rest in my bed.They would frequently cause either the inner part of my penis or the inner part of my anus to itch.They are the most repulsive and disgusting enemy I have come across.They are the embodiment of the most repulsive qualities.They tried to instil fear in me when they first contact me by showing off that they knew what I was thinking but that did not work, so they attack me now by using thing that provoke me to feel disgusted.They love to offend God.Mind you, at the early stage of our contact, they acted more like psychopaths now they act completely like beasts.They also hurt my eyes by causing a sensation like something like a pin to poke my eyeballs in reference to what Father YAHUVAH said in the prophecies that attacking His soldiers is like sticking a pin into one of His eyes.They are constantly frustrated by my determination to expose Satan's evil.They call Satan, their father and their boss.They also call the Antichrist their son.They do completely evil things purposefully in order to provoke God to anger.They are completely opposite to the nature of love and Holiness.They attack relentlessly at all things that are Holy.They stand in absolute defiance of God's Holy commandments.They always frustrate people who keep the commandments of a God.They always strive to divert people's attention from God, thereby enslaving them to sins.They always try to terrorise me by making exaggerated threats and bluffs.They have tried to provoke me sexually with lust in order for me to break the commandments, tempting me with pornography as well.But I have received a new heart lately, so that I am finally free from lust.They always try to deceive me into fighting the wrong people,thanks to the Holy Spirit, I can always discern that they are merely applying the divide and conquer strategy. They are the real enemy of mankind.They will appear as patriots in their respective countries but they will betray their country without second thoughts, they are only loyal to Satan.Satanists network together internationally to deceive people all over the world.They have expert knowledge of human nature and how the world systems work, so they can amass a fortune by exploiting that knowledge.They want total control of the planet through the use of fear.They are the real threat to humanity. Mankind must look to God for protection.They do the same covertly to nations, to make them fight each other by funding various groups to destabilise nations.They infiltrate all kinds of organization and subvert the goals of the organization for their own sinister agenda.They make money through both legitimate businesses and crimes through the organized criminal syndicates. Examples are prostitution, drugs sales and arm sales.They love to cause all sorts of calamity to happen like stock crashes and wars and chaos so as to profit through these man made crises.They are totally insane and empty inside. Meaning devoid of any love.YAHUSHUA has revealed to me that these beings are totally empty inside.They manipulate normal people through their knowledge of fallen human nature.They will use anything to divide people, examples like skin colour, differences in opinions, genders, different ethnic groups, virtually anything. They do it in a very subtle way so beware.Since I published this report, my enemies have been attacking continuously around the clock, I have been praying and returning their curses.They are by nature very dispicable, I found them very disgusting. I can tell this by observing their despicable ways of attacks. They are just like the coming Antichrist, very evil and despicable.Just to let all of you interested in this testimony to know, YAHUSHUA has always been with me and that eases the pain, He has been fighting along side with me just as He has promised.Will update this article when more ideas come into my mind.Satanism is well alive in Hong Kong and they use remote technology to torture people.I believe they acquired the technology from the US through Red China.I also believe that they are the members of the secretive Chinese branch of the Illuminati.God revealed to me through a vision that the torture I endure, my enemies will endure for all eternity in the Lake of fire. Imagine their minds being threatened, intense itch all over their bodies and being burnt for all eternity. This is what they will get. They will not get away with what they have done, they will not escape justice.Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness but rather expose them.
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