China and HK are definitely NWO. . .

I just got back from vacation in China, Macau and Hong Kong and they are definitely NWO turf. On board the Cathay Air and the Dragon Air Airline from hong kong to beijing and back, the plane PA kept mentioning the "one world alliance"-- which is NWO?

Yeah and my perps from California followed me all the way to China and Hong Kong-- from my hometown in Southern California, probably mobilized half if not all of the neighborhood watch perps in my hometown to stalk me in China and Hong Kong! and i recognized some of them.  They staged conversations to make me paranoid and the group that i take the beijing tour with were all perps on my block! California is supposed to be broke and the government is willing to pay for all my local perps to stalk and harrass me in China? Those perps can't be paying for themselves for the trip and airfare and hotel fees. My perps from california work in unison with the perps in hong kong and china to "mess" with me with stage conversations, intimidation by coughing or mentioning about triads or threats of violence via street theater or staged conversations but it didn't bother me a bit because i use critical thinking and logic which i learn from college and my collective knowledge of the neighborhood watch, gang stalking and their harrassment and mind game tactics i read online or learned from my italian elderly man neighbor perp in new york and i survived!


They would stage conversations talking about someone mental but that didn't get to me because i am not mental


Then they would talk about someone being a pervert or being old or look ugly but that didn't work on me because i am not a pervert and i am not that old and i am definitely not ugly and they were angry i was good looking, youthful and in good shape physically and mentally, heck i was still an aspiring model, musician and actor during my new york days just a year ago and i still look pretty hot and even some perps acknowledge my attractiveness! Some perps were hitting on me but i spoke up loud with a cough that i don't date ugly chinese women! and they were offended and said i was stuck up and had an attitude problem.


Near the end some perps would talk about the triads and about knowing some guy that got out of prison or about killing or mutulating someone but that didn't get to me either because i am not afriad, i am an American citizen and if i was harmed it would be on the news and my family and friends would look into this and my god brother is a fed and my relatives are upper middle class white collar people who i am very close to.


In the end this is what i realize, it is all mind games, don't let the perps or their stupid harrassment tactics get to you.  they are trying to make us TIs lash out or become unstable and destroy our relations with our friends and family to isolate us and get us to commit suicide-- so don't give in! There is nothing they can do to you.


and about character defamation-- a quarter of the world (in my city too) are in the neighborhood watch and the cops involved in the neighborhood watch are in on this.  neighborhood watch perps are in every profession and field. so about character defamation-- it is just staged conversation and street theater between perps in your favorite restuarant, hangout, church, etc.. to break your spirit-- because there is no character defamation! the perps are paid to mess with us and they are made to appear to talk smack about us in places we frequently visit; it is staged; kinda like preaching to the choir, so no worries :)


Keep strong, stay healthy, exercise, meditate, maintain a healthy lifestyle and diet, keep good relations with your family and friends at best, and live life as best as you can because it is just mind games!


Office workplace mobbing? forget about it! it is just staged by the perps in our workplace via street theater and staged conversation and if your boss mentioned the police is investigating you, just ask you boss to come with you to the local police station and ask about it-- that'll prove it is all b.s.

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