Posted by Pierre Samson on December 23, 2008 at 6:48am
I am one of the Duplessis Orphans from Quebec, Canada, a survivior of the MK Ultra project 1953 to 1961. Over 20,000 innocent children ( Orphans from Quebec ) we're used illigally in experiments conducted by the Roman Catholic Church ( Nuns ). They used orphans because nobody would ask any questions, as an orphan, you are alone in the world, nobody knowes you are alive.For 8 years I was tortured, beaten, electroshocks on LSD 25, holes drilled in the forehead by Dr. Ewen Cameron the butcher, all kinds of Debauchery by the nuns, the priest, the staff, Dr.s and the list goes on, we we're guinea pigs and sex toys. Isolated from the rest of the world, one could only look through the windows and despair, we would never make it out alive, very few did.Our government in Canada and your governments have betrayed us all, for the good of the few previledged in power. When are the people going to stand up? How can you get justice, when people are affraid to speak the truth? The battle is not between people, it is between " Intelligence " and "Ignorance" .Humans can believe that they we're created by some deity, believing that this deity will come back here and fix everything? Or when they die, they will go to haven; others believe that when they die, they will find themselves by a river with " 49 virgines " waiting for them. There are so many different points of views and beliefs, some believe that the planet Earth is only 6 thousands years old? Go figure.We find ourselves in the 21st century, yet society behaves very much like Neantherdals, rape/kill/pillage what ever they find. Build nuclear bombs, wipe out whole species and destroy the very eco-systems that allowes what we call live to be to exist.We are not destroying the planet, it was here before us and will be here after the last human dies. For billions of years, it orbited the sun, we have only just got here. True, we will destroy every last living thing on the face of this planet, including ourselves, sad really, so much potentials, all wasted on greed and stupidities.As for obtaining justice in this case of Mind Control, MK Ultra and other abuses of powers, this will only come to be when there is enough people that chooses intelligence over stupidity. Knowledge is power, learn, educate yourselves and stand up for what you know to be right. No price is too high for freedom.Innocent children have been and are now being abused and killed all over the world. You the adults of today, are yesterdays children, have you so soon forgotten your fears, your pains and traumas as kids, that you will allow this to happen, without saying or doing anything to stop it?In 1953, I was a 6 year old little boy, innocent, defenseless, vulnerable. Today, I am a 61 year old man, still living with all the memories of the atrocities I have suffered, memories of my friends on the ward, screaming and pleading for mercy from the Nuns, as they we're being taken to the lab. We, the children knew and understood, what was going to happen in the lab, we'd been there.For 8 long years, I had to endure this perversion, sex abuses, beatings, straight jackets and isolation for months on end, incredible. Yes we do need justice and reparations, question is: How? Who will stand against the CIA? This evil is allowed to exist, why?My Email: I/We can use all the help we can get, only by standing together and pulling together can we achieve our goals, lets unite? Thanks Pierre