Cointelpro stands for counter intelligence program which was primarily run by the FBI as a covert action program against domestic dissidents. The use of infiltration,psychological warfare, harassment through the legal system, and the use of extralegal force and violence, including murder, probably began in the 1950’s and is now a permanent feature of US government. Targets included the civil rights movement, the anti-war movement, the environmental movement, opposition political parties, basically any progressive group in American society. Dissidents stole FBI files in 1971 that detailed Cointelpro operations at the same time as the Pentagon Papers were published detailing decades of systematic government lying about the war to the American people. Watergate hit the front pages with the story of a clandestine squad of White House “plumbers” that broke into Daniel Ellsberg’s psychiatrist office in an effort to smear him. The “plumbers” were caught burglarizing the offices of the DNC and eventually nationally televised congressional hearings revealed a full-blown program of “dirty tricks” to subvert the anti-war movement as well as the Democratic Party by forging letters, leaking false news items to the press, stealing files, and roughing up demonstrators. The operation was traced back to the attorney general, and the White House, implicating the FBI, the President and his top staff. The fact that the president felt compelled to use former intelligence assets and their Cuban mercenaries to form his own personal Cointelpro squad to attack his enemies was curious considering that this could have been accomplished much easier by simply getting the FBI or other agency to do what they have been doing so successful for decades. Watergate was exposed fairly well but the Senate and Congressional hearings into the activities of the FBI and CIA were crushed. The Senate committee’s report was edited by the agencies being investigated before its publication. The House Committee’s report, including an account of FBI and CIA obstruction of its inquiry, was suppressed altogether. Senator Church and Congressman Pike, the committee chairs, were both targeted in their reelection campaigns by the intelligence agencies and defeated, their careers destroyed. The Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) did open up access to FBI documents and lawsuits forced the release of some Cointelpro files to the media but many of the most important files were withheld or destroyed, and former operatives report that the most heinous crimes were never committed to writing. William C. Sullivan, who ran the Cointelpro program in the 1960’s was killed in 1977 in an uninvestigated “hunting accident” shortly before giving public testimony to a grand jury. The only FBI officials who were ever prosecuted for Cointelpro crimes were quickly pardoned by the president. There was an appearance of reform that was largely aimed at placating a weary public that had become disillusioned with government. Due to scrutiny the programs were muted for several years but began to increase in activity again in the 1980’s. The most prominent target of Cointelpro in the 1960’s was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who received a blackmail letter from J. Edgar Hoover that detailed evidence of Dr. King’s extramarital affairs and suggested that he should suicide himself to preclude the release of the material to the press and it’s negative effect on his family and his movement. The surveillance of King included the 112th military intelligence unit, and the use of the U-2 spy plane to take photos. King was marked, barely a month before his murder, for elimination as a potential “messiah” who could “unify and electrify” the Black movement. The FBI planned to replace him “in his role of the leadership of the Negro people” with conservative black lawyer Samuel Pierce (later named to Reagan’s cabinet). The theme of a forced suicide is repeated on others targeted by Cointelpro, most notably Jean Seaberg, an actress involved in civil rights. Seaberg's husband received a forged letter detailing an affair she was supposedly having with a black activist. The actress, who was pregnant at the time, attempted suicide, suffered a miscarriage, and eventually did commit suicide. Forced suicide on a target allows intelligence agencies deniability for the crime, in effect, it is the perfect crime.

A total of 2,370 officially approved Cointelpro actions were admitted to the Senate Intelligence committee but thousands more have since been revealed. Ultimately, FBI documents disclosed six major official counter-intelligence programs, as well as non-Cointelpro covert operations against Native American, Asian-American, Arab-American, Iranian, and others. The major violence of the domestic terrorist campaign was directed at the Black Nationalist and American Indian movements. These individuals were readily imprisoned on false charges or assassinated. Cointelpro did murder Caucasian targets, but did so in fewer numbers than minority personalities. The theory of counter-insurgency operations was first codified by Frank Kitson, the British commander in Malaysia and Northern Ireland, among other places. His book, Low-Intensity Operations: Subversion, Insurgency, and Peacekeeping, insists that infiltration and “psychological operations” be mounted against dissident groups in “normal times”, before any mass movement can develop. These tactics have been adopted by US intelligence agencies against individuals and progressive movements within American society. Infiltration of the KKK by the FBI reached 10- 20% of its membership at the height of the Civil Rights struggle, these assets, along with Neo-Nazi groups, were used to attack civil rights workers and activists. The man who bombed the Church in Birmingham, Ala., was an FBI informant and agent provocateur. The favorite tactic used in infiltration of activist groups is the “snitch jacket” where suspicion of being an informant is used against legitimate leaders. The operatives are directed to disrupt meetings, spread rumors, inflame disagreements over what people normally fight over, money, politics, race, gender, to exacerbate rivalries and jealousy, and to lead zealous activists into unnecessary danger and set them up for prosecution. False news stories, forged documents, and anonymous letters and phone calls as well as pressure on landlords and employers make up just some of the strategies used.

Cointelpro operations are presently being incorporated into the development of microwave and radio frequency weapons. Dissidents that in the past were visibly attacked or assassinated in a traditional manner are now targeted for elimination using electromagnetic weapons. These internal dissidents are used as human guinea pigs and experimental subjects in terminal experiments that are designed to force a suicide, incarceration, or premature death due to the effects of non-ionizing and ionizing radiation. These political assassinations are accomplished with invisible bullets that leave no obvious injuries. The theme of forced suicide, such as the MLK and Seaberg blackmail letters has remained constant. What is different is that driving a target to suicide using microwave hearing as well as other techniques is perfectly deniable because these individuals are tormented invisibly and unable to receive help from the psychiatric community due to the symptoms of the attacks mimicking symptoms of schizophrenia that naturally affect several million Americans. Thus the intelligence agencies achieve perfect deniability for their crimes.

What did become public in the 1970's was only the tip of the iceberg. Mind control techniques and remote influence of the human-central-nervous-system work very well. Chilhood trauma makes human beings vulnerable to manipulation through hypnosis so that they can be used unknowingly for intelligence operations. The "nonlethal" weapons technology for remotely manipulating human behavior is highly evolved and is very powerful. In fact it is the ultimate weapon, and the penalty for revealing these secrets is imprisonment and death.

For any new weapons system it has always, ALWAYS, been necessary to test it on human subjects to refine and perfect the weapon, whether chemical, biological, nuclear, or in this case microwave and radio frequency radiation weapons.

Targets that are new to the program probably have a much higher mortality rate than the overall population of TI’s online because the program is steeped in misdirection and psychological warfare that is designed to confuse the newly targeted person and make it difficult to understand just exactly what is happening to them. TI’s are generally targeted because they are of above average intelligence and a potential threat in terms of influencing the people around them, and even the course of human events. The minds behind MONARCH wish to control the future destiny of the human race. The majority of TI’s are people who are identified as strong enough personalities to potentially interfere or even stop them.

In the beginning of my study I had expected to find symmetry in the attacks, but instead I have found a lack of symmetry that is by design. In the parable of the seven blind men and the elephant seven blind men each grasp a part of the elephant and try to describe exactly what kind of animal they have at hand. Each man winds up describing something subtly or even radically different than the man standing next to him. The MONARCH program is designed to create just this type of confusion within the TI community. Nearly half of the TI’s experience gang stalking, physical microwave assaults and voice to skull. Some get microwave physical attacks and voice to skull only, while others might experience only gang stalking. One target who gets gang stalking only will try to explain their experiences to a target getting only microwave attacks, but neither can easily comprehend what the other is describing, and would be hesitant to believe that both are in the same program of torture, if they believe each other at all. If this were not subterfuge enough, within each of the above categories there are varying degrees of complexity and modes of attack that further confuses the issue among targets, much less for non-TI’s trying to understand what is happening to these people. The MONARCH program of attack forms a spectrum of modes of attack that are as subtly different as the slowly changing colors of a rainbow. It is confusing by design, and brilliantly so.

Isolation is a primary strategy for breaking down the individual and by attacking targets in a manner that is virtually impossible to prove, they are alienated from friends and family. Efforts to explain their torture to family, friends, and co-workers only leads to greater isolation of the target. TI’s who are targeted in a different manner from other TI’s are equally alienated from each other. They do find other people who experience the same type of torment, but even then they are so traumatized that they are limited to going online with each other and describing what has happened to them in the following week. They are able to commiserate with each other but are unable to fight back in a dynamic and effective manner. Most groups of TI’s are limited to letter writing to their elected representatives, bringing class action lawsuits, petition signing, and complaining to each other. The doctrine of counterinsurgency warfare, which is designed to prevent mass movements from forming, is woven into the methodology of remotely influencing human behavior. The technology is so powerful and so highly evolved after 60 or more years of development and refinement that the efforts of several thousand people over several decades have amounted to very little real progress in organizing and fighting back against the unlimited resources of money, manpower, and technology that they are faced with. The technological attacks on the human mind is capable of instilling a psychology of victimization, resentment, alienation and retaliation that cannot be replicated or surpassed by other means. Most of the TI community is even alienated from itself, as the torture program is designed to do, to stop a mass movement from forming.

It is a primary strategy in the MONARCH program to get the TI into the mental health system as soon as possible in order to discredit them for future complaints.


ABOUT ORGANISED STALKING (aka GANG STALKING)                                        

May 2011 Bioethics Commission hearing Public comment session videos Targeted Individuals give their testimonies before the Presidential Commission about their involvement as involuntary mind control, weapons research, and no-touch torture victims.


Yours in the search for openness and respect for universal human rights
John Finch, 5/8 Kemp St, Thornbury, Vic 3071, Australia, TEL: 0424009627



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  • Excellent blog. Also targeted-individuals, exposegangstalking, homelandstalk and gangstalking wiki.
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