Thank you for your attention and help in bringing this illegal practice into public awareness. Please let me know if you need other information or details on the technology and practices.
Collection agencies have been using a sophisticated, illegal and potentially dangerous technology worldwide that uses the electromagnetic spectrum to extract, map and store private information (physical/physiological/speech/mental/behavioral and online/telecom).
They use this information and technology globally to continuously monitor, harass and attempt to manipulate (psychologically and neurologically) targets as part of illegal collection practices in the 21st century.
Please see following links and text below for some details on the EMF technology being used and the attached image as an illustration of the methods used and its effects on the body and mind.
Some links with information on the possibilities of this EMF based technology:
Fig: Illustration of the EMF software used for harassment
Fig: Illustration of the EMF methods and effects on the human biology
Collection agencies are using sophisticated EMF technology on specialized mobile devices that may look and act like cell phones but emit and receive a much wider and powerful range of the Electromagnetic spectrum and may have special apps used to spy stalk and harass people for illegal collection practices. The devices and apps have capabilities to extract information behind and through all walls/doors using computational techniques performed on the input and output EMF spectra and a significant distance-range which allows covert remote operation.
Besides the mobile there are also fixed versions which are likely installed in the immediate neighborhood and can deliver stronger power and wider range of functionalities executed in real time.
The app/technology has features that emit EM radiation which can act as a physical force field on bodily organs/cavities and interfere with most biological functions or neural signals traveling through the human body to a great precision. (The low freq of its range can (HAS) even be used during flights.)
Without any legality or consent the agencies can in real time monitor remotely the inner voice, visual/auditory cortex (what you are seeing/hearing/imagining/dreaming etc) and can try to bias/re-orient attention. Such capabilities are at or beyond the state of the art in neurosciences ... may include remote EEG and possibly other methods. It is a SELF-LEARNING system which gets better with the data it collects.
The collection agencies are really one giant global network that collaborates massively (internationally> share information technology etc) and is composed of capable and technically sophisticated people informed with or beyond the state of the art science and technology ... they are extremely well organized motivated and most likely know more about their collection target's entire history (physical mental and online) than the person him/herself
This is a social problem which will need consumers and regulators to be informed of the potential abuses of technology in the 21st century and take the necessary steps towards reforming the legal standards of collection and other covert surveillance practices.
Anything you can do to share this information with consumers/ regulators and/or law enforcement will be appreciated.
Some other points:
- Might Use infrared and microwave image mapping and spectral reconstruction to invade privacy ... entire living space can be mapped and monitored in great detail
- Monitoring and interference is 24/7 and includes all people things pets insects ... pretty much everything and at several levels (think X rays to infrared images)
- Brain monitoring over extended periods and storing brain activity patterns and uses them to selectively manipulate thoughts emotions actions etc - Most likely remote EEG >> has subvocalization recognition capabilities (mind reading)
- Can induce dreams (unpleasant to nightmares) and alter sleep cycles
- Use EM radiation to induce unpleasant sensations and pain (see links and attached image for the full list)
- Induce thoughts and emotional states
- Induce sneezes coughs itches and other unpleasant stimuli
- Jamming Internet and cell phone calls
- Have an expert team which can in real time interfere with internet traffic, electronic devices and communications