Paul Sajda, Associate Professor in Biomedical Engineering, has won more than $3 million grants for two research projects.
Professor Paul Sajda
One of Professor Sajda’s projects is a $1.8 million grant from the National Institutes of Health’s initiative to
map decision-making in the brain. Sajda’s project will use state-of-the art simultaneous EEG and fMRI to map
the neural networks underlying decision making in the human brain. The goal is to both shed light on basic
neuroscience questions related to decision making in humans, as well as to develop a better understanding of
cognitive deficits and neurological disease in which decision making is affected. Truman Brown, the Percy K.
and Vida L. W. Hudson Professor of Biomedical Engineering and a professor of radiology (Health Sciences),
is a co-Investigator on the project.
In addition, Sajda has been awarded an $1.5 million, 18-month phase 3 contract from DARPA for his project entitled "Cortically coupled computer vision (C3Vision) Phase 3." The goal of the project is to use real-time analysisof electroencephalography (EEG), coupled with state-of-the-art computer vision, to triage massive amounts of imagery and video for improving visual search and annotation. This is the first time a university has been awarded a Phase 3 DARPA effort, with the other two Phase 3 participants being large commercial defense contractors. Columbia's team will collaborate with Neuromatters LLC, a company which Prof. Sajda co-founded. Columbia willperform basic research and Neuromatters will build a prototype system for testing by DARPA.
Prof. Shih-Fu Chang, chairman of electrical engineering, is a co-Investigator on the Columbia project.
Sajda’s research on capturing the “aha!” moment was explored in the Fall 2009 issue of Engineering News.
Paul Sajda has a working history with Sarnoff Research Center and Sarnoff Corporation. In 1988 Sarnoff Research Center was transitioned to Sarnoff Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of STANFORD
RESEARCH INSTITUTE International in which capacity it serves multiple clients. DARPA-funded projects are Federal government controlled laboratories which often involve black budget involuntary HUMAN SUBJECT Experimentation, Research and Development.
While with Sarnoff Corporation, aka STANFORD RESEARCH INSTITUTE, MENLO PARK, CA, Professor Sajda documents in his Curriculum Vitae time spent with the Intelligence Community in Washington, D.C. and elsewhere. Curriculum Vitae which can be found on-line. His research at Columbia is often sponsored and/or DARPA funded..