Be Part of a Mass Exorcism on behalf of children everywhere
Join the Circle of Truth surrounding the Vatican in Rome on Sunday, October 30, 2011 at high noon

Faith communities, indigenous elders, light workers, and people of compassion will gather from around the world to hold a mass Exorcism, prayer vigil and fast outside the Vatican to summon forth the power of truth and love and expel the darkness of centuries of crime, violence and corruption.
Our Convergence is unaligned religiously and politically. Our common ground is an absolute reverence for children and the earth. We come to protect the innocent and expel the force that harms them and protects those responsible.
Beginning at 12 noon on Sunday, October 30, 2011, thousands of us will form a human peace chain around the Vatican and will bring music, prayers and testimonies to exorcise the forces of untruth and violence in the Catholic church.
Our exorcism, prayer and fast circle will continue for 24 hours and will be followed by other events.
Our exorcism, prayer and fast circle will continue for 24 hours and will be followed by other events.
Please endorse our Circle of Light and circulate this notice. Join us on October 30 in Rome.
If you cannot, then hold your own circle of exorcism around a Roman Catholic church in your community on the same day.
If you cannot, then hold your own circle of exorcism around a Roman Catholic church in your community on the same day.
For more information contact this email.
Caoimhin Ui Niall
County Tyrone, Eire