Common Purpose


We are witnessing a coup by the banksters who are trying to set up a globalist, corporatist, technocratic, communitarian dictatorship commonly known as the 'New World Order'. National sovereignty is being destroyed. The EU has put its satraps into Greece and Italy so that these countries are now effectively provinces of the EU. Spain and Portugal are the next targets.

How do they do it? Manipulating systems.

This will not end well.

This website is about the corrupt activities of Common Purpose, a fraudulent 'educational charity' acting as a change agent being used to recruit and train the commissars and apparatchiks needed to implement the British government's hidden New World Order communitarian agenda.

I have not received any legal challenge or complaint from Common Purpose or its named associates about the allegations of corruption made on this website. Why not?

If you want to find out what is going wrong in Britain (and also the USA to a certain extent) and why, you have come to the right place.

It cannot be stressed enough that Common Purpose is a criminal organisation that is dependent upon insider dealing, secrecy and corruption for its existence. Common Purpose creates control over its members by doing them 'favours', such as finding them lucrative employment in powerful positions, covering for their mistakes, and benefits from accessing its secret network. In return, Common Purpose requires that its graduates act illegally on its behalf, as salespeople for their snake-oil products, exploiting their positions of power, and helping the organisation grow in power.

There are many examples of criminal activity that will be finding their way into the public domain sooner rather than later.

Common Purpose is a pox in the soul of Britain.

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