Conference call in Europe...

Did anyone here succeed in attending the newly started conference call in Europe that took place this Friday afternoon-(western time)? I was disconnected from Internet all the time, so I couldnt myself. (This happens to me every single day-always afternoon-evening time, it has been like this for the last month and I have scanned my computor-no viruses and malware,  so I am almost sure, this has something to do with the harassment. Also my computor has crashed and get hot and stops working (shuts itself down) and no problem is found in my computor...Lately, if I can, and manage to get online, and then move my body from the computor, I am disconnected from the internet. Almost as if my body (or something in my body) would be the "circle card" tool (cant find the word in english, but like the small card you put in yr mobil phone for getting connection...)  If anyone else has experienced this-pls share/Annie

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