> Date: Sun, 6 Nov 2011 05:58:53 -0700
> Dear Matteo,
> Thank you for your purchase. Your Invoice ID is ***************************.
> You can view your order details at
> Sincerely,
> QuWave LLC
$329,00 = €247,00.
6 novembre 2011 21:15:59
I am an italian T.I. I am Matteo (or Matthew for you) and I am italian case n.77 on 200 cases and a victim of project MK-ULTRA 2000.
I am here in these list.
In this TOPIC, each link is an image of radiological evidence of microchips in the brain.
ha prove radiologiche = radiological evidence
I'm not joking. The radiological evidence, confirm that many people have microchips in the brain.
The microchips, generate tinnitus that exceeds the normal 400 herz.
The microchips burn the meat. My brain is not a steak grrrrrrrrr.
This is my video with the diagnosis of AISJCA-mft (04 april 2010)
I scream, because the volume of the microchip has been raised in my right ear.
Aisjca is an Italian association very serious and professional.
- Associazione Italiana, scientifica e giuridica,contro gli abusi mentali,fisici e tecnologici
- Italian Association, Scientific and Juridical, Against Mental, Physical and Technological Abuses
(acronym asijca-mft)
I have a question.
In your company, someone who speaks Italian?
For example, an Italian-American?
For me it's important to find a good interpreter in your company, to improve your products as quwave defender.
Finally, I managed to make the payment.
I could not complete the payment to my paypal, but I received my VISA card.
Ooooooooh finally after a week, I completed the payment and order. $329,00 = €247,00.
I was convinced that he has already placed the order QUWAVE DEFENSE product, but rather the order was not.
Unfortunately, I am always very tired and weak and little shiny and stupid because I suffer torture every day and every night for many years. Brainwashing is no good for my brain and concentration.
If your product works, I will record a video, I'll add it on my vimeo channel and send it to you, but in Italian with English subtitles.
A good video of 5/6 minute in high quality (HQ). It's ok for you?
Your product, has been reported to me by the gentle, courteous, friendly Dr Witte
In your site you wrote: "Many victims find themselves implanted with microchips which have become too small for the human eye to see".
Yes, exact, in italy We do not always find "foreign bodies" beacuse are very little.
Thanks Dr Henning, in the future if I can I repay you. :o)
I want to win MIND KONTROL 2000.
I do not want to commit suicide with terrible suffering and agony.
I am a man, I am not an animal.
I am a biped with opposable thumbs.
I'm not a quadruped and a slave.I want to be free !!!!!!!!!!
I want to win the project mk-ultra 2000 and after, to help other victims.
I hate these "parasites" that attach themselves like ticks and do not let you live.
Respectable QUWAVE COMPANY,In your company, someone who speaks Italian?
I can write to you in Italian?
I have another question for you.
You can make your company work with others to find solutions and other more sophisticated next-generation products for me and all the other victims?
you can make the collaboration QUWAVE COMPANY and European companies?
You want funding?
I am not crazy and my question is serius but i need of an interpreter because the laguages in not my specialty.
QUWAVE COMPANY from U.S.A. + ENDOACUSTICA from Italy + magnet4less from Svizzera + Eletric Angel from U.S.A and others?
In worldwide we need a good team and a good equipe: engineers, electrophysicals, global researchers, doctors and ... funds $$$ !!!
We need also a "EUROPEAN BRAINWASHING CLINIC" and a "AMERICA BRAINWASHING CLINIC" in U.S.A. a "ASIA BRAINWASHING CLINIC" a "AUSTRALIA BRAINWASHING CLINIC" with therapy for survivors of Mind Kontrol and retrieve their health.
1)This is eletric-angel and a book for V2K
2)This is endoacustica with a BOMB JAMMER
3)This is magnet4less with NEODITIUM for demagnetized microchip
Change automatically in your language
I have 5 neoditium magnets and I wait my QUWAVE.
Maybe i want also a BOMB JAMMER or others methods of defense.
Alls Methods,techniques,strategies and tactics of defense.(TOPIC UNDER CONSTRUCTION)
This is copy/paste of my email for ENDOACUSTICA. Do you understund italian language?
I apologize for all these links and this long long email, but we must find new innovative solutions for all T.I.
I apologize for my bad english respectable quwave company.
Thank you very much and I wait my QUWAVE. If your product works, I will record a video as Magnus.
Noir blanc jaune ou rouge, la couleur du sang est égale pour tous !!!
I am a man and I am not an animal AND YOU NAZI WOMAN,NAZI MAN, NAZALIEN or MAIALIEN?
I'm a biped and i am not a quadruped.
Ich bin nicht ein Vierfüßer , ich bin ein Zweifüßer.
Sono stufo di esser sempre per te punibile yo tengo un pulgar oponible.
I AM ][\/][ATT RED BLOOD and you? Di che colore ce l'hai tu?
My music for my dear earth and with my heart.
Brothers in the space, these it is my keys.
Noir blanc jaune ou rouge, la couleur du sang est égale pour tous !!!
▓▓▓▓▓▓ \/\/ EARTH ^___^ (THIS SONG of 1993 :o ) ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
▓▓.TERRA Già DISTRUTTA ??? EARTH already destroyed ?▓▓▓
▓▓ Ancòra si può far qualcosa!!! You can still do something ▓▓▓
Onda del futuro - Terra (1993)
Aladino - Brothers in the Space (1993)
Da Blitz - The light of love (1997)
Miss Jane - It's a fine day (1999)
Robert Miles - Children (1995)
Gala - Freed from desire (1996)
ITA) Nessun popolo o individuo ha il diritto di imporre ad un altro il proprio modo di vivere o di pensare ...
... se gli uomini della Terra,sono diversi per il loro aspetto; essi hanno però dignità di persona e uguale diritto a vivere liberi e felici ...
Terra già distrutta? Ancora si può far qualcosa ...
ENG) No nation or individual has the right to dictate to another the way they live or think ...
... if men of the earth are different in their appearance, but they have personal dignity and equal right to live free and happy ...
Land already destroyed? Still you can do something ...
TER-RA TER-RA TER-RA !!!!!!!!!!!!! EARTH EARTH EARTH !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes Annie Of course. Promises !!!
If your product works, I will record a video, I'll add it on my vimeo channel and send it to you, but in Italian with English subtitles.
I want to win the project mk-ultra 2000 and after, to help other victims.
I hate these "parasites" that attach themselves like ticks and do not let you live.
I in 1998, did volunteer work for children in Latin America. Operation Mato Grosso.
I adopted a child in Angola in 1999. (Africa) Her name is Maria.
I'm not a stalker bastard. I am a philanthropist.
I'm not a sadist. They are with me and sadistic brutality indescribable.
I will also try the JAMMER BOMB.
I want to destroy their chip with a super jammer.
I want to have a powerful shield.
JAMMER BOMB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!