![]() Dear Friend, The facts are in. Enough is enough. A strident campaign of fear and disinformation has blocked the Keystone XL pipeline for years.
The United States needs this vital artery of safe, efficient, affordable and clean North American energy. This crucial, common sense project has been stymied over and over again. Radical eco-zealots have chosen Keystone XL as the place to make their stand. They claim this project is unsafe for the environment and the people it would pass near, and that it will greatly contribute to alleged "global warming." These claims are nonsense. From whom would most Americans rather get their energy? Socialist strongmen in Venezuela, a hostile and unstable Middle East - or Canada, as fine a neighbor as any country can hope for? The answer is obvious. And that choice has now landed on President Obama's desk. That's why I'm hoping you will add your name to CFACT's petition today. CFACT is the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow, one of the nation's premier organizations dedicated to bringing a positive, market-oriented, and scientifically sound perspective to environmental issues. Since our founding in 1985, we have fought tirelessly to protect American families, jobs, and businesses from the economy-crippling regulations being pushed by Green environmental extremists. CFACT's award-winning "Climate Depot" news and information service is one of the world's top sources for countering the pseudo-science of environmental and global warming hysteria, and our work has been highlighted by everyone from Rush Limbaugh and Fox News to The Drudge Report and National Review - not to mention countless other media outlets that a carry our insightful and provocative information. Each year, our initiatives engage everyday Americans, college students, and activists around the world by the thousands. They share our belief in faithful stewardship of our natural resources, innovative solutions to genuine environmental problems, and the promotion of a robust economy. But most importantly, we are strong believers in sound science and the power of our free-market system, which is why we are absolutely determined to see the Keystone XL pipeline approved right now! But to do that, we need your help right away. Please, sign our urgent petition. Everyone knows that Canada will continue to develop its oil sands no matter what. The real question is, will Canada use trains to transport a fraction of this crucial resource to the U.S. and then load the rest on tankers to export to China? Or will Keystone XL safely speed Canada's oil to American workers to refine? Scientists, engineers, rational environmentalists and even President Obama's own State Department have all weighed in and given the Keystone XL pipeline a clean bill of health. Leaders of both major parties and much of the mainstream media acknowledge this reality. Yet the most extreme elements of the Green movement won't listen. They think President Obama is their man and demand the Department of State slam the door shut on Keystone XL. Obama is nervous. He knows the truth - that many of his usual allies aren't with him this time. Yet he also knows that if his administration heeds this wide bi-partisan chorus and approves the pipeline, it could be Waterloo for the radical Greens. Earlier this month, notice was published in the Federal Register that the Department of State is accepting public comment on Keystone XL. The deadline is March 6th. The time to speak up is right now. The Department of State needs to hear from all of us. We need to deliver them a truckload of solid facts and support they cannot ignore. Will you take action and help CFACT set the record straight? Our petition has a number of solid facts. After you review them, we hope you will authorize CFACT to transmit these facts to President Obama and the Department of State, adding your name in testimony of support. Democracy only works when good people honor the responsibilities of citizenship with their participation. This is an historic moment. I'm counting on you. ![]() Sincerely, Craig Rucker Co-Founder and Executive Director, CFACT |
For questions about donating, please contact Christina Wilson at (651) 600-3802. http://cfact.org |
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