I'm fijadome in what happens in my mind. I am comparing things that psychiatrists, artists, spiritualists and parapsychologists say.
Europe is key. America is young historically in modernity. In Europe the modern mind control and its use to investigate consciousness and human behavior gesture.
America is more powerful for knowledge in engineering and everything relevant to the system of the CIA.
To convince people to be simplified to the maximum everything. And show others taregeted single history, which left their seed to us would recognize.
Dali is one such example. His work in figueres (barcelona) shows a complaint on global mind control.
Every detail is important.
But only one victim acknowledges, because he knows what it means.
This is the play "cyber Princess" made of printed circuit wrapped in silk screens with oriental motifs.
A female robot, specifically computers dish. (Transhuman)
Cadaver in a transparent coffin. as Snow White.
Surrounded by fine silk cloth, soft imperceptible (electromagnetic aura), with chinoiserie motifs.
It tells us that what we kill oriental. Matara reason with magical beliefs.
The electromagnetic aura is a scam to get into our own mind and our body.
bedroom with skeleton (death) and box stopped clocks (time)
entire museum is full of breads, which resemble a chicken, making allusion to the god pan, lovely dreams.
Chicken is a philosophical allusion to Diogenes-Platon. Diogenes threw him like a chicken plucking challenge to Plato, it was a challenge to say the truth. THE philosophy clasic very important in exposing mind control aes because Plato school study of the mysteries of Egypt.
Alli only were people with references and could pay the price.
a table gala secret elements, the eye of knowledge represented by the goose, and a ruler representing Freemasonry. This in aerial suspension, and eggshell represents the astral birth.