Affidavit in support of John Finch's Allegations regarding electronic harassment, torture and gang stalking
I have experience 28 years of unresolved gang stalking, torture and electronic harassment. I have also been a witness for two other people.
I have on several occasions contacted the FBI, the CIA and local law enforcement. While I believe attempts may have been made to abate the harassment in some cases, no information to substantiate this was provided to me and I can only base my conclusions on observations of subsequent events.
Please note that my communication resulted in my being observed. Those observing fall into three basic categories.
1) Those who witnessed nothing. 2) Those who had the opportunity to discover events but avoided these opportunities. 3) Those who knew of the events and engaged in deception to cover them up.
Feedback from several sources indicates that many of my claims were discounted as paranoid. I submit that this assessment is false. There is the belief that my being watched resulted in what were classified as paranoid responses. However, the perpetrators clearly had access and knowledge quite often to those making such assessment and influenced their judgement and reports. Others who may have reported had their own self interest in mind knowing they could be targeted if they verified my claims.
I documented events for nearly 28 years and hold the conviction that I have such a volume of events that it is improbable I can compile them all at this time or even in this lifetime.
"Gang stalking' events preceded 1986 and seemed to flourish shortly after Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States. I am going to list a few major events that do not come close to the total list of events that comprise a lifetime of gang-stalking and the use of Intelligence Reports denigrating such crimes as imaginary to expand on crimes targeting me by criminals able to hide behind such reports.
My first experience with electronic harassment was in 1986. I was helping a woman whose husband was simultaneously working as FBI Counterintelligence, Sicilian Mob and Hell's Angels (and perhaps more I don't know about). He had threatened to kill her and she believed he would. She asked me to hide her. As we were driving one night from Merced, California to Mariposa, California, we were hit by an electromagnetic pulse. I conclude this because we both went momentarily unconscious at the same time, awakening several seconds later simultaneously. The car had gone off the road and narrowly averted hitting a telephone pole which would have undoubtedly killed us had we hit it. Fortunately we did not hit the pole and instead plowed into a level field of a crop. I estimate the distance veering off the road was about 200 yards and the distance into the field was about 200 yards for a total of 400 yards. We were travelling a 55 mph. I was paying attention to the road I had travelled on 100's of times. The road was straight in this segment with no turns (California Highway 140 about 5 miles out of Merced). Neither of us had any recollection for approximately 15 seconds which were lost. One instant we were on the road and the next instant we were about 400 yards away in a field. I estimate the time from the distance travelled and the speed.
Now typically, in emergency events, time seems to slow as a result of adrenalin. Participants in such an event have a seemingly expanded perception of time where an instant seems to last an eternity. This was the opposite. Two of us were rendered unconscious while all was well and awoke to find we had narrowly averted death an estimated 15 seconds later. In assessing emergency events such as this, I evaluate the event based on whether those involved had an expanded sense of time or simply a lapse. As a mental lapse of consciousness may happen to one person for any number of reasons, when it happens to two people at once there is a clear external environmental cause.
In this case it was easy to surmise who the perpetrator was. He was a genius with electronics and a very vindictive person. No other conclusion is possible other than an electromagnetic event and as it was night-time I can rule out a major solar electro-magnetic event. No atomic bombs were going off and I conclude it was a powerful pulsed electro magnetic force that caused this event.
I noted personally that the survivors of the Princess Diana crash years later had no recollection of events leading up to the crash. One moment all was well and without the normal triggers for adrenalin of impending doom, an inexplicable event had transpired.
Note that my chronicles of these events are locked away for safekeeping far from my location now. Therefore I cannot provide from memory the specific dates and locations.
I was returning to Santa Cruz from Southern California shortly after Thanksgiving around 2005. I was being followed as is not uncommon. (Note: Although born in the United States, my last name was Al-Chalabi. I believed in egalitarian values for equality and justice, yet I was commonly singled out as an ARAB for my last name (although in fact I am a mixture of Kurdish, Turkish, Scottish and English born in the United States). Since the 1970's I have been repeatedly targeted as that Ay-Rab. Unfortunately, there was no community I could fall back upon from my social position, unlike blacks, hispanics, orientals and perhaps Arabs, I was too American to belong to any such group and too greatly ostracized for my last name to even gain social acceptance in a general society without encountering people who felt it their right to injure me or damage my personal property as their way of exacting revenge for the cost of gasoline and their vindictiveness resulting from social propaganda in the United States.
I stopped in a Motel 6 in Watsonville for the night as it was too late to arrive at my friends house in Santa Cruz County. Once there, I tried to go to bed. People kept going by my room, knocking on the door and leaving and generally attempting to harass me. I ignored it. Then, suddenly, there was a vibration throughout my body. Some kind of oscillating energy was being directed at my room from a van in the parking lot downstairs. I could see the van from my room. I thought I was going to suffer permanent injury from this weaponized microwave emitter and I confronted the people going back and forth by my front door. I pleaded with them to have whoever was directing this energy at me to turn it off. They seemed to believe it was harmless but I convinced them otherwise. They went to the van and the harassment stopped.
While working in Santa Cruz in the late 1990's I would travel to a property in Mariposa where I had once lived owned by my family. I was pretty much the only person to travel there and I did so on weekends, painting, cleaning and maintaining the cabin on 5 acres.
This evening person's unknown (gang-stalkers) had come onto my property. It was a dark night and they were dressed for stealth in black and probably equipped with night vision goggles. They kept harassing me during the evening while I was in the Cabin but there was little I could do to stop people I could not see. Furthermore any physical action on my part against a group would have left me injured or dead. During the evening a hose was run into my attic from the outside. Soon, the acoustic tiles were dropping volumes of water, disintegrating and flooding the property, ruining thousands of photos and much of my personal property I kept at the cabin.
I decided it was too dangerous to stay there alone so I packed my car and left to return to Santa Cruz. I was driving down Yaqui Gulch Road on my way to Highway 140 and Merced from there. Someone ahead of me (apparently the perpetrators were ahead of me and behind me using radio communication) used a large black garbage bag to cover a stop sign before the intersection. That stop sign was visible far in advance normally but on this evening was completely invisible. As I drove the road I suddenly ran through the concealed stop sign into Highway 140 and across (luckily not hitting anyone) and down an embankment part way.
Apparently, someone had been observing these gang stalkers and assisted me almost instantly to get the car back on the road, towing me up the embankment using their pickup truck.
I thanked the gentleman and continued toward Merced on Highway 140. A black truck with headlights off followed me. Then I heard pinging realizing they were shooting some kind of gun at me. I drove dangerously fast to try to escape them and stayed ahead of them until I got to Merced. There I drove directly to the local Police Department to get assistance but the building was locked up and closed. My pursuers left while I was parked at the Police Department after which I went to a friends house in Merced.
While living in Santa Cruz for nearly 23 years, I was typically harassed where-ever I lived by gang-stalking groups and individuals. I had notified a friend of mine who I believed was a powerful man in Naval Intelligence. On a particular occasion I was being harassed and I heard a voice instructing me. This was clearly some kind of microwave emitter that resonated on my skull and the person using the transmitter was attempting to assist me and perhaps test out his equipment. I believe he was military personnel. This event was notable as the only time 'Electronic Energy Devices' were used to assist rather than harass me. I had informed my friend over the phone previously that Santa Cruz seemed to have numerous gangs of people who operate above the law with impunity. I argued that as an American Citizen I should not have to live with such harassment that was not recognized by any police agency that I knew of but was substantial in the damage and injury caused to me by such harassment. Suspiciously, like many people who assisted me, this person died shortly after assisting me having first a stroke then dying several months later.
Although I have documented numerous other instances of gang stalking and electronic harassment to myself, this incident involved another person who was being targeted. A woman I was friends with who was highly responsible and professional from a good family had married a man who was a bum who wished to use her for her money. They moved from Santa Cruz and she used her money to purchase a house near Newport Beach, Oregon. Shortly after moving there, a little over a year after their marriage, she was estranged from her husband and gang-stalked. She suspected electronic harassment, poisoning and lesser techniques of harassment. Her husband told everyone she was crazy and tried to get her committed. One evening she went to a bar and met a fellow at the bar sparking up a conversation with him. He revealed after some time he had flown to Oregon with a group of other people whose job it was to gang-stalk individuals marked for removal from the community by people in power locally. He said that his group was based out of Alaska and people in City Councils and other powerful positions would pay his group to target people. He disclosed techniques of electronic harassment and other techniques used to 'make the intended target sick and appear crazy'. She did not reveal she was the target of such a group as his. She returned to Santa Cruz and asked me to return with her to pack her belongings as a witness for her who was aware of these types of covert crimes. I travelled with her and took notes but while I was with her no discernible events occurred, which is usual as these crimes are always committed against a person while alone and without witnesses. We did get a flat tire on our rental car that was suspicious but could prove nothing while her estranged husband was present who continued to portray my friend as crazy although I knew her for 12 years. I knew she did not use drugs and that she was meticulous, responsible and sane.
Incidentally, all of her financial records and been hidden by him and although her investment was upward of a million dollars during their time together, after his fraudulent presentations in court and attorneys fees was left with next to nothing.
During the previous event, I had left Seagate Technology where I worked with this woman for 12 years controlling the release of new products and joined as a partner with a Private Investigator, which is a reason besides our friendship she had elicited my support.
While working with the Private Investigation Firm I assisted in many technological aspects of the business including Technical Counter Surveillance Measures (bug-sweeps). In this role I encountered others affected by gang stalking but this particular story has indelibly etched itself into my memory.
A young girl in college had transferred to U.C. Berkeley and rented an apartment nearby. I learned of her when she called me terrified that she was being bugged possibly by two men she suspected of involvement in a wave of harassment in which she was now immersed.
She knew one person in the area about an hour away in Santa Clara County so when the two men next door befriended her she embraced that freindship. The men were apparently respectable, on a Psychiatrist and the other a Medical Doctor, both young. She was only about 19 at the time and both pretty and intelligent.
Soon, the friendship with these two men transitioned into inducements directed at her for sexual favors. Pharmaceuticals were offered to increase her pleasure as was alcohol to lower her inhibitions. She soon realized these men were no friends and terminated her friendship with them. No sooner had she terminated the friendship when a campaign of harassment ensued. Little things like her porch light being turned on from within her apartment while she was away or knocking on the wall. She attempted to go to the landlord who had already been told she was crazy by the two men and dismissed her allegations. The harassment continued and attempts to engage the police for protection were equally fruitless. All the while the two men continued to make a case to anyone whose assistance she elicited that she was crazy. She had mail appear and disappear. Comments made regarding private phone conversations from these two men who should have had no knowledge of the conversations and other harassment.
I visited her and assessed the situation. My conclusion was that she was sane and that these two men, with the power to move authorities and the liberty to wield controlled substances intended to drive her crazy, have her committed and then use her for their sexual desires after they had complete control of her life.
The situation was clearly to thorny for me to rectify and I suggested she move to Santa Clara and live with her friend and thereby impede their conspiracy to use their authority to drug her and enslave her.
She did.
With today's technologies and increasing disparity in social strata's and the tendency in the United States to move from an egalitarian society where everyone has equal rights, legal protection and opportunities (more or less) to being a society with clear lines of demarcation between those with vast wealth, those with licensed authority and those with no recourse when confronted with criminal activity violating their rights.
The police have stopped investigating burglaries decades ago and in a most recent event here in Reno, the County Sheriff's Department was complicit with a burglary in such a way that the evidence is wholly indicting but the recourse is non-existent.
Such is the dilemma faced in modern society whereby a person such as myself can be faced with crime after crime with no avenue of legal recourse available and the threat of judicial retaliation should a person attempt to defend themselves.
Secret agencies with virtually unlimited access to personal information on others become a social class dominating over those with no access to person information on others.
The use of electronic harassment must be globally abated before the damage it does shapes a decaying civilization.
I have experience 28 years of unresolved gang stalking, torture and electronic harassment. I have also been a witness for two other people.
I have on several occasions contacted the FBI, the CIA and local law enforcement. While I believe attempts may have been made to abate the harassment in some cases, no information to substantiate this was provided to me and I can only base my conclusions on observations of subsequent events.
Please note that my communication resulted in my being observed. Those observing fall into three basic categories.
1) Those who witnessed nothing. 2) Those who had the opportunity to discover events but avoided these opportunities. 3) Those who knew of the events and engaged in deception to cover them up.
Feedback from several sources indicates that many of my claims were discounted as paranoid. I submit that this assessment is false. There is the belief that my being watched resulted in what were classified as paranoid responses. However, the perpetrators clearly had access and knowledge quite often to those making such assessment and influenced their judgement and reports. Others who may have reported had their own self interest in mind knowing they could be targeted if they verified my claims.
I documented events for nearly 28 years and hold the conviction that I have such a volume of events that it is improbable I can compile them all at this time or even in this lifetime.
"Gang stalking' events preceded 1986 and seemed to flourish shortly after Ronald Reagan was elected President of the United States. I am going to list a few major events that do not come close to the total list of events that comprise a lifetime of gang-stalking and the use of Intelligence Reports denigrating such crimes as imaginary to expand on crimes targeting me by criminals able to hide behind such reports.
My first experience with electronic harassment was in 1986. I was helping a woman whose husband was simultaneously working as FBI Counterintelligence, Sicilian Mob and Hell's Angels (and perhaps more I don't know about). He had threatened to kill her and she believed he would. She asked me to hide her. As we were driving one night from Merced, California to Mariposa, California, we were hit by an electromagnetic pulse. I conclude this because we both went momentarily unconscious at the same time, awakening several seconds later simultaneously. The car had gone off the road and narrowly averted hitting a telephone pole which would have undoubtedly killed us had we hit it. Fortunately we did not hit the pole and instead plowed into a level field of a crop. I estimate the distance veering off the road was about 200 yards and the distance into the field was about 200 yards for a total of 400 yards. We were travelling a 55 mph. I was paying attention to the road I had travelled on 100's of times. The road was straight in this segment with no turns (California Highway 140 about 5 miles out of Merced). Neither of us had any recollection for approximately 15 seconds which were lost. One instant we were on the road and the next instant we were about 400 yards away in a field. I estimate the time from the distance travelled and the speed.
Now typically, in emergency events, time seems to slow as a result of adrenalin. Participants in such an event have a seemingly expanded perception of time where an instant seems to last an eternity. This was the opposite. Two of us were rendered unconscious while all was well and awoke to find we had narrowly averted death an estimated 15 seconds later. In assessing emergency events such as this, I evaluate the event based on whether those involved had an expanded sense of time or simply a lapse. As a mental lapse of consciousness may happen to one person for any number of reasons, when it happens to two people at once there is a clear external environmental cause.
In this case it was easy to surmise who the perpetrator was. He was a genius with electronics and a very vindictive person. No other conclusion is possible other than an electromagnetic event and as it was night-time I can rule out a major solar electro-magnetic event. No atomic bombs were going off and I conclude it was a powerful pulsed electro magnetic force that caused this event.
I noted personally that the survivors of the Princess Diana crash years later had no recollection of events leading up to the crash. One moment all was well and without the normal triggers for adrenalin of impending doom, an inexplicable event had transpired.
Note that my chronicles of these events are locked away for safekeeping far from my location now. Therefore I cannot provide from memory the specific dates and locations.
I was returning to Santa Cruz from Southern California shortly after Thanksgiving around 2005. I was being followed as is not uncommon. (Note: Although born in the United States, my last name was Al-Chalabi. I believed in egalitarian values for equality and justice, yet I was commonly singled out as an ARAB for my last name (although in fact I am a mixture of Kurdish, Turkish, Scottish and English born in the United States). Since the 1970's I have been repeatedly targeted as that Ay-Rab. Unfortunately, there was no community I could fall back upon from my social position, unlike blacks, hispanics, orientals and perhaps Arabs, I was too American to belong to any such group and too greatly ostracized for my last name to even gain social acceptance in a general society without encountering people who felt it their right to injure me or damage my personal property as their way of exacting revenge for the cost of gasoline and their vindictiveness resulting from social propaganda in the United States.
I stopped in a Motel 6 in Watsonville for the night as it was too late to arrive at my friends house in Santa Cruz County. Once there, I tried to go to bed. People kept going by my room, knocking on the door and leaving and generally attempting to harass me. I ignored it. Then, suddenly, there was a vibration throughout my body. Some kind of oscillating energy was being directed at my room from a van in the parking lot downstairs. I could see the van from my room. I thought I was going to suffer permanent injury from this weaponized microwave emitter and I confronted the people going back and forth by my front door. I pleaded with them to have whoever was directing this energy at me to turn it off. They seemed to believe it was harmless but I convinced them otherwise. They went to the van and the harassment stopped.
While working in Santa Cruz in the late 1990's I would travel to a property in Mariposa where I had once lived owned by my family. I was pretty much the only person to travel there and I did so on weekends, painting, cleaning and maintaining the cabin on 5 acres.
This evening person's unknown (gang-stalkers) had come onto my property. It was a dark night and they were dressed for stealth in black and probably equipped with night vision goggles. They kept harassing me during the evening while I was in the Cabin but there was little I could do to stop people I could not see. Furthermore any physical action on my part against a group would have left me injured or dead. During the evening a hose was run into my attic from the outside. Soon, the acoustic tiles were dropping volumes of water, disintegrating and flooding the property, ruining thousands of photos and much of my personal property I kept at the cabin.
I decided it was too dangerous to stay there alone so I packed my car and left to return to Santa Cruz. I was driving down Yaqui Gulch Road on my way to Highway 140 and Merced from there. Someone ahead of me (apparently the perpetrators were ahead of me and behind me using radio communication) used a large black garbage bag to cover a stop sign before the intersection. That stop sign was visible far in advance normally but on this evening was completely invisible. As I drove the road I suddenly ran through the concealed stop sign into Highway 140 and across (luckily not hitting anyone) and down an embankment part way.
Apparently, someone had been observing these gang stalkers and assisted me almost instantly to get the car back on the road, towing me up the embankment using their pickup truck.
I thanked the gentleman and continued toward Merced on Highway 140. A black truck with headlights off followed me. Then I heard pinging realizing they were shooting some kind of gun at me. I drove dangerously fast to try to escape them and stayed ahead of them until I got to Merced. There I drove directly to the local Police Department to get assistance but the building was locked up and closed. My pursuers left while I was parked at the Police Department after which I went to a friends house in Merced.
While living in Santa Cruz for nearly 23 years, I was typically harassed where-ever I lived by gang-stalking groups and individuals. I had notified a friend of mine who I believed was a powerful man in Naval Intelligence. On a particular occasion I was being harassed and I heard a voice instructing me. This was clearly some kind of microwave emitter that resonated on my skull and the person using the transmitter was attempting to assist me and perhaps test out his equipment. I believe he was military personnel. This event was notable as the only time 'Electronic Energy Devices' were used to assist rather than harass me. I had informed my friend over the phone previously that Santa Cruz seemed to have numerous gangs of people who operate above the law with impunity. I argued that as an American Citizen I should not have to live with such harassment that was not recognized by any police agency that I knew of but was substantial in the damage and injury caused to me by such harassment. Suspiciously, like many people who assisted me, this person died shortly after assisting me having first a stroke then dying several months later.
Although I have documented numerous other instances of gang stalking and electronic harassment to myself, this incident involved another person who was being targeted. A woman I was friends with who was highly responsible and professional from a good family had married a man who was a bum who wished to use her for her money. They moved from Santa Cruz and she used her money to purchase a house near Newport Beach, Oregon. Shortly after moving there, a little over a year after their marriage, she was estranged from her husband and gang-stalked. She suspected electronic harassment, poisoning and lesser techniques of harassment. Her husband told everyone she was crazy and tried to get her committed. One evening she went to a bar and met a fellow at the bar sparking up a conversation with him. He revealed after some time he had flown to Oregon with a group of other people whose job it was to gang-stalk individuals marked for removal from the community by people in power locally. He said that his group was based out of Alaska and people in City Councils and other powerful positions would pay his group to target people. He disclosed techniques of electronic harassment and other techniques used to 'make the intended target sick and appear crazy'. She did not reveal she was the target of such a group as his. She returned to Santa Cruz and asked me to return with her to pack her belongings as a witness for her who was aware of these types of covert crimes. I travelled with her and took notes but while I was with her no discernible events occurred, which is usual as these crimes are always committed against a person while alone and without witnesses. We did get a flat tire on our rental car that was suspicious but could prove nothing while her estranged husband was present who continued to portray my friend as crazy although I knew her for 12 years. I knew she did not use drugs and that she was meticulous, responsible and sane.
Incidentally, all of her financial records and been hidden by him and although her investment was upward of a million dollars during their time together, after his fraudulent presentations in court and attorneys fees was left with next to nothing.
During the previous event, I had left Seagate Technology where I worked with this woman for 12 years controlling the release of new products and joined as a partner with a Private Investigator, which is a reason besides our friendship she had elicited my support.
While working with the Private Investigation Firm I assisted in many technological aspects of the business including Technical Counter Surveillance Measures (bug-sweeps). In this role I encountered others affected by gang stalking but this particular story has indelibly etched itself into my memory.
A young girl in college had transferred to U.C. Berkeley and rented an apartment nearby. I learned of her when she called me terrified that she was being bugged possibly by two men she suspected of involvement in a wave of harassment in which she was now immersed.
She knew one person in the area about an hour away in Santa Clara County so when the two men next door befriended her she embraced that freindship. The men were apparently respectable, on a Psychiatrist and the other a Medical Doctor, both young. She was only about 19 at the time and both pretty and intelligent.
Soon, the friendship with these two men transitioned into inducements directed at her for sexual favors. Pharmaceuticals were offered to increase her pleasure as was alcohol to lower her inhibitions. She soon realized these men were no friends and terminated her friendship with them. No sooner had she terminated the friendship when a campaign of harassment ensued. Little things like her porch light being turned on from within her apartment while she was away or knocking on the wall. She attempted to go to the landlord who had already been told she was crazy by the two men and dismissed her allegations. The harassment continued and attempts to engage the police for protection were equally fruitless. All the while the two men continued to make a case to anyone whose assistance she elicited that she was crazy. She had mail appear and disappear. Comments made regarding private phone conversations from these two men who should have had no knowledge of the conversations and other harassment.
I visited her and assessed the situation. My conclusion was that she was sane and that these two men, with the power to move authorities and the liberty to wield controlled substances intended to drive her crazy, have her committed and then use her for their sexual desires after they had complete control of her life.
The situation was clearly to thorny for me to rectify and I suggested she move to Santa Clara and live with her friend and thereby impede their conspiracy to use their authority to drug her and enslave her.
She did.
With today's technologies and increasing disparity in social strata's and the tendency in the United States to move from an egalitarian society where everyone has equal rights, legal protection and opportunities (more or less) to being a society with clear lines of demarcation between those with vast wealth, those with licensed authority and those with no recourse when confronted with criminal activity violating their rights.
The police have stopped investigating burglaries decades ago and in a most recent event here in Reno, the County Sheriff's Department was complicit with a burglary in such a way that the evidence is wholly indicting but the recourse is non-existent.
Such is the dilemma faced in modern society whereby a person such as myself can be faced with crime after crime with no avenue of legal recourse available and the threat of judicial retaliation should a person attempt to defend themselves.
Secret agencies with virtually unlimited access to personal information on others become a social class dominating over those with no access to person information on others.
The use of electronic harassment must be globally abated before the damage it does shapes a decaying civilization.
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