Dear Sirs and Madames,
I would like to quote from an article printed in New Zealand's "The Sunday Star Times" December 16, 2012 "A critical juncture in human history".
According to the US National Intelligence Council's Global Trends Report " The NIC warns that... "In a tectonic shift, individuals and small groups will have greatER access to lethal and disruptive technologies (particularly precision-strike capabilities, cyber instruments and bio-terror weaponry), enabling them to perpetuate large scale violence - a capability formerly the monopoly of states," it says."
You have received a complaint from John Finch of Australia, who I have been in contact with since 2007. I can testify that what John Finch is complaining about does happen. I live in New Zealand and I am also a Targeted Individual with no privacy. I have also been subjected to workplace mobbing in every job I have held since 2002.
There is absolutely no doubt that such weaponry exists - I urge you to read "US ELECTROMAGNETIC WEAPONS AND HUMAN RIGHTS" - a report by Professor Philips and other academics from Sonoma State University. Also Psychiatrist Carole Smith's "ON THE NEED FOR A NEW DIAGNOSIS OF PSYCHOSIS IN LIGHT OF MIND INVASIVE TECHNOLOGY" and "HACKING THE MIND".
With so many people worldwide coming forward to make people aware of what this technology is doing to them and the fact that the National Intelligence Council has admitted that individuals and small groups already have access to lethal and disruptive technologies - why are you dragging your heels about these serious matters?
Please do the job you are paid to do and investigate these matters urgently.
Yours faithfully,
Margaret Down, New Zealand