To start with, I didn't actually like your dad like that. I really liked him though. I thought he was God and that Russia was paradise and that I had to beat the four directions to get back there. They made me truer than blue, however. Some things appear to be connected and if you believe on thing, as Boole illustrated, then you believe something else as well. I'll make a post on that later.
Only with numbers can we win.
But even after corrupted, I like a fictional version of him, and he was just a mirage to begin with, you know? Have either of you had a crush? No, of course not. +rolls eyes+ He was hot in 1976.
This is what I get stuck with They stick me with this for a few reasons. One, it completely destroys me and the other humans are always trying that. Two, it makes them feel better about their justifications and so on. It's a conformity thing. I live outside of reality, but I'm still stuck in the cube.
I'm celibate.
Trust me, I probably don't like your dad.
This is why they targeted me. Anyone else fighting awkwardness?
Just to make you feel weird, my brain is wired to do that in extreme stress, as is evident by the consequences. What is the likelihood that I'll survive that as opposed to my reality? He's either going to throw my in prison, make me a nun or an array of other things. I'm 100% flesh and bone, and I'm weak to the vein. This is an unbelievably crappy life with no hope. Oh, you get to accept the garbage can. Fuck you too. I wanted to go to school, but this destroys me. And yes, it's compared to my group. It causes me to get demoralized and icky. If we were all digging through the dumpster, it would be okay.
As usual, it's all about me. You make me fight alone, destroy me and my bones. I just want to be alone.