Dear Human Rights Watch

Dear Human Rights Watch:

CC: To whom it may concern


Please pay close attention to Amnesty International “ Briefing to UN Committee Against Torture, Canada” . Here is the copy of my letter to AI. Thank you very much.


Best regards,

Robin yan


Dear Amnesty International:


On behalf of myself, thank you for your “ Briefing to UN Committee Against Torture, Canada” ( Torture with Non Lethal Weapons, Page 30)


Here are two videos below to support your statement regarding torture with Non Lethal Weapons in Canada. Please read the explanations under these two videos. Thank you again.

Video 1:

First response to the Government of Canada after our tabled petition for a public inquiry into acts of torture with Non Lethal weapons ( mind control weapons)  was refused. The House of Commons of Canada stated: "The Government  has no information on any such activities."

Video 2:

Torture and Crimes Against Humanity with Non Lethal Weapons, Heart Attack Guns, Noise Weapons


Best regards,

Robin yan




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