In Canada's official languages, federal election debates are scheduled for next week: French on the 8th & English on the 9th. Translations will include Cantonese, Mandarin, Arabic, Punjabi, Plains & East Cree, Inuktitut, Dene & Ojibwe & the debates will be streamed on Twitter, Facebook & YouTube. Since the application of bioweapons on targeted individuals will not be a topic, one must wonder what other issues are censored? Healing the intergenerational trauma among aboriginal survivors of abuse? Making Cree an official language? Addressing domestic violence? Signing & ratifying the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons? Regulating arms sales that do not meet scrutiny on human rights violations? Banning assault rifles? Acting on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict? Meeting climate change targets? Developing a plan to refreeze melted glaciers (if only it was possible)?
Citizens from across Canada may submit questions. Although I cannot find the links for this, previous debates have been open in this way (naturally, by selection) & I expect there should soon be a posting.
When Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was first elected in 2015, the promise of electoral reform was a key magnet that he discarrded with his victory. The majority then viewed Canada's first-past-the-post voting system as regressive for this century & in this term, ruling by coalition is a process Trudeau has found constraining. Marginalized voices were being heard & COVID-19 amplified their sound. Whether governments are "saving us" from the virus or saving us from fake science, "rescuing us" is raison d'etre.
It's Labour Day weekend & the first Monday in September has been a statuatory holiday in Canada since 1894. In the early 1960's, the 40-hour work week was established.
After Sept. 6th, the electoral spin will cradle on campuses as the political parties will court the youth vote & voter turnout remains unpredictable. Mail-in ballots are expected to be high.
Happy Labour Day to all targeted individuals! Our time, energy & resoucres are very valuable & profitable to our subjugators who we should be invoicing.
Let's live long & prosper.