My evil perps are always two steps ahead of me because they can rape my mind and control my body. I would get an MRI to see if there are any illegal implants however they control every aspect of my life and created a Hell that I can't fight back against. I don't have the funds to do a full investigation. I do not understand the reason why they are targetting me but it's not fun and i'm emotionally distressed from this electronic harassment and gang stalking. I can't get any answers or help from my psychiatrist, counsellor, police or anyone for that matter. Nothing worst than being in a situation where I have zero control. Some stupid ugly mofo sitting behind the screen all day to make me feel miserable. I swear I want revenge in this life or the next! I'm not Ghandi and my hatred blinds me but it is not 100% my fault as it is others deliberately de-railing of my life! These people are nothing but scoundrels, no honor, no integrity, empathy, compassion or whatever. I don't think they are even human.
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Thanks for the support! Really do appreciate it!
I agree with Monica and Jung kim, telling friends and family is not a good option, even if feeling alone and the awful situation we are in and not be able to tell our closest, when having a view from "the other side" about our situation and what we are up against, I wouldn´t have believed it myself, if any of my close ones had told me (before I became a victim) that they were exposed and a targeted individual, I would have though he/she needed psychiatric care.... So having in mind that the "normal" public (not harassed) are not aware of that this crime is going on around the world, we just have to "wait for our big day" as Monica says/Annie
What is GS?
I think many of us are made targets at birth. Were you adopted? Targets I know who were adopted were easily isolted from their families, leading me to believe that adoption (in many cases) is a front for child-trafficking for the purpose of making us into sacrifices.
I have the same problem as GR, where my life has also been made into a living hell.
Thanks for the encouraging words. I'm trying my best to stay calm and rational. Their evil actions will be their undoing definitely.
You are probably right when saying "I dont even think they are even human", most likely this is a programme runned against our brains remotely, 24/7. and its responding and getting inputs from our reactions. The only human involved is probably the ones inventing this programme at first and the ones that "tag" us before we get targeted. There´s probably people collecting data from this and all of them might even not be aware of from where the data comes from, just doinng probably only a few at "the top" knows whats really is going on. You are not alone, our chances are that we unit and work together trying to expose this to the public. take care and stay strong/Annie
Thanks Jung, I'm trying to keep my cool but all I want is revenge. It's been a long ride and I want out. They keep kicking me when i'm down and that is why I'm so frustrated. As a human being I can only tolerate so much and they keep crossing my personal boundaries.
Hello DF,
As a TI all i can tell you that you are not alone, I dont know what country you are living but it is international problem. I want to revenge myself but no solution for now... I cant find answer myself that why i am being a target. My advice is that Do Not get angry and dont talk to your family or friends. You might be end up in mental hospital, keep it yourself for now. If you understand more about the technology, you might get some answer. My friend take a deep breathe and move on to your life.