Delgado and Nanoparticle Mind Control Torture

Delgado has been dead for a while now. Delgado is the man who wrote that man has no right to his own brain as it belongs to the state. To prove it, he abused the trust of his patients and instead, administered series of electroshocks to them that were at electric current levels far exceeding the legal limit. The bodies, tied down in straps, writhed violently in convulsions until the brain cells, exhausted and depleted of glucose, could no longer fire. Then, he injected dosages of insulin that induced a desired state of coma. The patients lay in a deliberately induced coma for up to 3 months. During this time, he placed under their pillows, tapes that played over and over 24/7. In the end, the patients woke up with no memories. Delgado was in the employ of the CIA. Some of the victims later settled. The videos and movies are publicly available. But Delgado is back now, from the grave. He possesses the souls and minds of the men and women that now attempt to implement the same evil on me using nanoparticles.


Every night since sometime in June, phrases delivered via programmed nanoparticles, say something unintelligible during each exhalation phase of my breathing cycle, all night, every night. The phrases are unintelligible but bear an unmistakable human speech pattern. The repetitive phrases mimick the repetitive tape playback loops that Delgado placed under the pillows of his comatose patients. They also have a definite electronic signature that betrays their programmed nature.



During the nightly abuse of the body, artificially induced coughing fits have been so frequent that chest and neck muscles are sore from exhaustion. The coughs are induced via a duality of mechanisms: one, by recruiting from anywhere in the body, nanodevices and vibrating them anywhere along the airway, irritating the sensitive epithelial layer of the airway and causing a physiological cascade of events which leads to the coughing reflex. In a normal cough, the coughing often does not take long to expell the irritant which can be either swallowed or spat out, but with nanoparticles, the torture contractor can simply vibrate the nanodevices for as long as he/she/it wishes to inflict the agony. The body has no way of expelling an object whose movement and behavior is exogenously artificially controlled. The lung capacity has been reduced due to the saturation of the respiratory system with the nanodevices. I tire far more easily now. I run out of breath more often. There is a constant metalic wheezing to my exhalation and the coughs have an electronic sounding hue to them. The other mechanism of remotely inducing coughing spasms is by draining caustic gastric acid from the upper portion of the stomach up the lower eosophageal sphincter where the acid promptly burns the esophagus, prompting some coughing. This is not unlike heartburn.


 My shaven scalp is wrapped in a dressing with a tape that is water proof but stretchy. It is all I can do to try to protect the sore skin on top of the head. I change it every few days. Examination of the removed tape with a microscope, shows numerous, exceedingly small light emitting objects, and millions of translucent fibers, some coloured. Jabs to the left breast are occassionally inflicted. Syringe-like pain jabs at various points on the scalp occur whenever the torture feels like going off. This pain is identical to a syringe used in the medical profession during an intramuscular delivery of medicine or vaccine.


 Illuminated objects at night have rainbow halos around them. Newer traffic signals activate the pedestrian cross button when my body is within a certain distance. Older traffic signals do not.


The skin is peeling off over the darkened and deeply indented spot on the front left leg where an implant was remotely installed early last week. The spot is directly over the bone. A few inches from this spot, another implant, this one very itchy with an easily palpable roundish nodule under the skin, embeds, surrounded by an erythemous skin tissue. My legs, once very beautiful, are now peppered all over with dark indentations the pigmentation of which never subsides. These are all entry points for remotely delivered objects into my body and which are perceptibly active when subsequently remotely accessed.



 While the front of my legs are punctuated with dark spots from previous implants, the left eye that they deliberately infected with a virus in December 2012 and which subsequently ended up developing the ability to see in pitch darkness due to a massive infusions of nanodevices inside the eye ( the devices are optonic/photonic ), is gradually losing sight.  My shower water tasted bitter this morning. In the past, I have seen black ink flowing from the faucet. The electrical power cord of my cellphone was stripped bare close to the connection point with the wall plug. My earphone had one of the ears ripped off. A new set of earphones that I bought as a replacement just 2 days ago, was removed from where I put it. And this is just the light stuff... I'd rather die with my hands clutching a pen exposing this evil than suffer and die in silence.


On Nov 20th 2013, they directed an energy beam into the left side of the chest which stung like a deep thrusted hot knife, on top of the horrendous nanoparticle sensory abuse. The pain was beyond description. Nanodust continues to be doused all over my person. It is directly drained into the throat; drained into the ears and eyes; causing extreme sensations of suffocation at night when the torture is always at its maximum. The Delgado phenomenon of phrases timed with the exhalation phase of my breathing continue on all night. My body is still scalded with heat each time I move in bed. This is about 12 times each night. The planes continue to trail me wherever I go.




The nanoparticle torture worsens as power densities of the incident signal are revved up to maddening levels. The nanoparticle torture has intensified. The intensification is accomplished by scrolling and vibrating the devices with the pressure that is identical to the one a pen exerts on a writing paper during writing. Except it's a billion pens. The nanoparticles that are programmed to simulate crawling insects and worms all over the scalp. These last few days, a diabolic practice of blowing icy cold air into the nostrils, has resumed. At night, vibrating nanodevices are guided to crawl and dart over the closed eyelids like mad little insects, gnawing at the edges where the eyelids meet. I spend the night wiping these off the eyes where they are promptly replaced. Other nanoparticles are vibrated deep inside the nose while violent electrical currents course the entire length of the back. The left ophthalmic branch of the trigeminal branch is directly attacked by vibrating nanoparticles over the supra orbital foramen, a small hole through the bone at about where the left eyebrow is where the nerve briefly emerges to be closest to the skin. The pain is exquisite. The whole time, a mad interrogation-like voice barks unintelligible thrash, obviously from a torturer that has yet to psychologically leave the bloody walls and feces smeared floors of Abu Ghraib, Bagram or Gitmo. A very bight cessna plane with a few helicopters meanwhile make sure to dole out the torture wherever I go.


And today, leaders of free democracies have descended upon beautiful South Africa to pay their last respects to Nelson Mandela, a man who would be revulsed to know that their citizens suffer from unspeakable chronic tortures with advanced electromagnetic weapons systems and left to die,  while they turn a blind. It is a strange but beautiful world...


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